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Civilization and primal instincts conflict

Essay Instructions:

English Prompt from the Instructor:

Since "it is impossible to overlook the extent to which civilization is built upon a renunciation of instinct" (Quote by Sigmund Freud page 51-52), we can understand why there is such a struggle for these four city men to shed their civilized "skin" and resort to their primal selves in order to survive in the wild in James Dickey's novel "Deliverance". So, in a thesis-driven argument of minimum 4 typed pages and using Sigmund Freud's "Civilization and its Discontents" to help support your position by arguing only one the following questions:

Assignment: Choose either Option #1 or Option #2:

Option #1: Analyze a specific conflict between the law of nature and the law of man in the novel.

Option #2: How does Ed's re-connection to his instinctive nature enable him to cope with what he is confronted with? 

If you choose Option #2, understand Ed is confronted with many situations so only focus on one specific situation to answer the question.

Instructions: Make sure to use several quotes from both James Dickey's "Deliverance" and Sigmund Freud's "Civilization and Its Discontents" to help support your argument. Have a "Work's Cited" page and also make sure to have an "Outline" in a separate typed page that has your intro, thesis, topic sentences for your body paragraphs, and conclusion all in order that shows me how you organized your essay. 

Essay Guidelines:

Font: Times New Roman, 1 inch margins all around.

Notes from me the student to you the writer:

The choice is up to you to choose between Option #1 or Option #2.

For me personally I sort of understand Option #2 and these are some notes I made for you about a specific situation for Option #2:

After reading James Dickey's "Deliverance" one situation that I feel where Ed re-connects to his instinctive nature that enables him to cope with what he is confronted with is towards the end of the novel when Ed is being interrogated by the Police. 

For example, earlier in the novel Ed stated that "dealing with the police makes his blood run cold" because Ed feels nervous around police officials but towards the end of the novel after Drew is killed by unknown person and with Lewis having a broken leg, Ed then instinctively assumes the leadership role of the group. Ed, Bobby, and Lewis are faced with a dilemma as they contemplate going to the police to tell them the truth about how the Hillbillies attacked them. In summary, in self defense the group kills one of the Hillbillies, while the other toothless Hillbilly escapes. Then later on to avenge Drew's death they look for the other toothless Hillbilly, however, they unknowingly kill a deputy officer named Benson by mistake as he was out in the woods holding a gun. This presents a problem for the group because if they tell the truth to the police about the events that occurred its almost certain that court will find them guilty of the offenses. Ed, Bobby, and Lewis collectively come up with a plan to destroy the evidence that links them to the crimes by burying the bodies knowing that eventually the lake will overflow the land. The only way Ed feels like they can get away if they lie to police by changing their story as to how their canoes broke, changing the story as to how how Drew died and having no recollection of what could have happened to the missing officer Benson and not even mentioning the assault of the Hillbillies. After the group tell their story to officer Queen, the officer doesn't believe Ed because he believes that Ed, Bobby and Drew had something to do with the disappearance of Deputy Benson. In fact, dealing with Officer Queen is probably the most challenging for Ed because Officer Queen instincts of "brute force" (in reference to Freud) because Queen represents law enforcement. During the interrogation we see how Ed has changed because before at the beginning of the novel the presence of police made Ed nervous but now after all the events that Ed has been through during the interrogation Ed is very calm and serious by not showing any signs that he could breakdown with guilt.

The purpose of the essay is to just focus on ONLY ONE CONFLICT for Option #1 or ONLY ONE SPECIFIC SITUATION for Option #2 in which Ed's re-connection to his instinctive self. There are other situations for option #2 but the best I can sort of understand is what I described above about Ed being interrogated by Deputy Queen. 

Here are the ISBN numbers to both: 

"Deliverance" by James Dickey is ISBN: 0-385-31387-X 

"Civilization and its Discontents" by Sigmund Freud is ISBN 0-393-30158-3

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Option Choice
Thesis Statement
Civilization and primal instincts conflict
Topic sentence: Civilization now defines every aspect of the human life
“…But if you conceal this body you’re setting yourself up for murder charge. That much law I do know” (Dickey, 125).
“The impression forces itself upon one that men measure by false standards, that everyone seeks power, success, riches for himself and admires others who attain them, while undervaluing the truly precious things in life.” (Freud, Strachey and Gay, 7)
Topic sentence: Men will always tend to protect their ladies and parent will always try their best to protect and avenge their children and loved ones.
“…for enough breath to live on from second to second. There was nothing je could do, but as he looked at the blood on my chest and under my throat” (Dickey, 113).
“Normally there is nothing we are more certain of than the feeling of our self, our own ego.” (Freud, Strachey and Gay, 10)
“ Against all the evidence of his senses the man in love declares that he and his beloved are one, and is prepared to behave as if it were a fact” (Freud, Strachey and Gay, 11)
James Dickey’s Deliverance
Topic sentence: This is a novel that presents one of the most fundamental supports to the debate about civilization and the internal struggles that every man faces in light of maintaining the social norms.
“What do men themselves show by their behavior to be the purpose and intention of their lives, what do they demand of life and wish to achieve in it? The answer to this can hardly be in doubt. They strive after happiness.” (Freud, Strachey and Gay, 23).
“When they take another survey and rework this map, Lewis said, all this in here will be blue. The dam at Aintry has already been started, and when it’s finished next spring the river will back up fast. This whole valley will be under water. But right now it’s wild. And I mean wild; it looks like something up in Alaska. We really ought to go up there before the real estate people get hold of it and make it over into one of their heavens” (Dickey, 4).
Topic sentence: When the four men take their trip on 14th of September, everything turns out as Lewis had promised them in their quest for a break from the hustles of the city.
“It is rather the rule than the exception for the past to be preserved in mental life.” (Freud, Strachey and Gay, 19).
“…I turned to say something to bobby. Two men stepped out of the woods, one of them trailing a shotgun by the barrel…” (Dickey, 107).
Topic sentence: When the three come before officer Queen, they decide to tell a different story one that involves the death of their friend in an accident and one that does not involve the details of the death of the hillbilly and the police officer.
“…I know you can’t get your stories straight, and there ain’t no good reason for you to be lyin” (Dickey, 258).
“Originally the ego includes everything, later it separates off an external world from itself. Our present ego-feeling is, therefore, only a shrunken residue of a much more inclusive – indeed an all-embracing feeling which correspond to a more intimate bond between the ego and the world about it… The ideational contents appropriate to it would be precisely those of limitlessness and of a bond with the universe” (Freud, Strachey and Gay, 15)
Topic sentence: The four men endure the struggle of choice between living as civilized and having to make choices based on their primal instincts that would determine if they lived or died.
“Sublimation of an instinct is an especially conspicuous feature of cultural development; it is what makes it possible for higher psychical activities, scientific, artistic, or ideological, to play such an important part in civilized life.’ (Freud, Strachey and Gay, 44)”
“…what we had against him-I was shocked by the hope of it-was Lewis. The assurance with which he had killed a man was desperately frightening to me.”(Dickey, 128).
In agreement with the thesis statement, civilization is a means to rag man as far away from the primal instincts as possible, while is innately impossible, as everything that man is and what drives their actions in the absence of all the civilize ways is his instincts that are primal in nature.
4. Works Cited
When man discovered fire, it marked one of the many steps that the human civilization journey has taken since its inception. Over the years, the various developments that are brought about in the human society are supposed to change the way man kind acts and the way that they do things. As such, the acts and efforts of civilization are supposed to improve the primitive means used in the past by man. As such, man has shunned away from their primal instincts and taken on a different approach that takes the shape of improved way of life.
1.1 Option Choice
This paper covers the second option of the argument. This option relates to the fact that Ed had to connect with his instincts in order to deal with his current predicament.
Thesis statement: primal instincts play a major role in the decision making especially where the situation at hand is complicated by the need to survive, surpassing the civilized ways.
Civilization and primal instincts conflict
Civilization now defines every aspect of the human life. However, there is an underlying primal instinct that every man lives with and is hard to eradicate regardless of their level of civilization. There are situation in life that force the people to draw upon their primal needs and satisfy their urges. It is these aspects that the novel by James Dickey titled Deliverance addresses. At the same time Sigmund Freud also points out some of the most fundamental aspects about the level of civilization among the people and deep seated primal needs of every man. There is always some level of primal instincts that guides the man and all his acts. Some resemble the acts that animals in the wild practice with commonality. As man tries to shun away from these primal instincts, there is always going to be some level of conflict that develops between the two aspects and approaches to life. Majority of the laws and social norms are now based on the civilization model, such that every other primal instinct among the people is pushed down. From time to time, there is always going to be an eruption of these instincts regardless of the level of safe guards that exists.
“…But if you conceal this body you’re setting yourself up for murder charge. That much law I do know” (Dickey, 125).
“The impression forces itself upon one that men measure by false standards, that everyone seeks power, success, riches for himself and admires others who attain them, while undervaluing the truly precious things in life.” (Freud, Strachey and Gay, 7)
Men will always tend to protect their ladies and parent will always try their best to protect and avenge their children and loved ones. It is for this same reason that there crimes deemed to be related to passion, most of which tend to be gruesome due to the fact that they draw upon primal instincts such love and ...
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