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What Makes Something "Feminist"

Essay Instructions:

From the readings you have engaged with so far, how do the authors frame knowledge production as feminist? In other words, what makes something "feminist"?

You can approach this question by considering: Why do the authors identify with feminism? What do they find useful about feminism and what needs to be changed? Use several specific examples of texts, art, videos, news articles, etc., that work to illustrate the production of feminist knowledge.

resources might by useful

Ain’t I a Woman? Racism in the Feminist Movement


documents I uploaded might be helpful

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Before you submit your final answer, review this checklist:

1. My essay has a thesis statement that has been underlined (should be located in the introductory paragraph)

2. My answer is written in appropriate essay format (intro, body, conclusion)

3. I have discussed several of the readings beyond mere summarization.

4. I have discussed several key terms and their definitions

5. All citations are in proper MLA or Chicago format, including a bibliography section or endnotes (depending on the one you choose to use)

6. I have paid close attention to the authors appropriate pronouns.

7. I made sure to use appropriate terminology. For example, when talking about trans/queer/non-binary folks I do not use the term "homosexual" since it is offensive. I will not say colored people or colored women, I will employ the correct terminology of "people of color" or "women of color."

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The authors of the readings frame knowledge production as feminist through the lens of gender and race in theoretical structure to describe how these elements impact relations and interactions amongst individuals from diverse racial backgrounds. In this knowledge production of feminism, the authors explain feminism as an interdisciplinary method to matters of impartiality and parity centered on sex, gender, sexuality, gender manifestation, and gender identity as comprehended via social concepts and political engagement. Historically feminism has progressed from the analytical scrutiny of disparity between genders to a more nuanced concentration of the societal and performative creations of gender and sexuality, which the authors frame as feminist.
Feminist theory questions inequalities and disparities along the inter-sectional positions of sexuality, class, sex, ability, race, and gender. Thus, feminists, as the authors describe, seek to influence transformation in areas where such intersectionality generate power inequality. For instance, Dean Spade's video explains this feminism by highlighting the crucial damage trans-politics can do to transgender persons. Spade mainly outlines that racialized gender customs operate as social control for diverse groups of persons, like persons of color and persons with disabilities (Spade). Thus, this situation generates the reason for combatting gender repression. For instance, failing to tackle this gender oppression can leave these gendered individuals susceptible to exploitation and at the mercy of their helpers.
Anytime categorizing, objectification, human rights violations, or inter-sectional subjugation happens, it is a feminist matter. The authors portray this feminism by highlighting how race and gender are critical aspects that highly foster social disparities. The stereotype is demonstrated through police violence prevalent in the Black and Indigenous communities, where these communities proactively battle against this brutality. The high-profile murder of people of color continues to ...
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