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3 pages/≈825 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the course concepts we have learned about in the first 7 weeks of class. Examples of course concepts include (but are not limited to): intersectionality, the sex-gender binary, the heterosexual matrix, heteronormativity, transgender identity, intersex traits, postfeminist media culture, social determinants of health, ableism, settler colonialism. If you are unsure about whether your idea is a course concept or not, please contact your tutorial leader for guidance.

2. Write a 325– to 375–word explanation of the concept you have chosen. Your explanation should be clear and should not presuppose any prior knowledge on the part of your reader; pretend you are a professor and you are explaining the concept to first-year university students. You are allowed to use appropriate and useful quotations from any of the relevant articles we have read or video clips we have watched in this section, if they help clarify your points. Please do not use any sources we have not seen in class.

3. Write a 325– to 375–word description of how the course concept you have chosen and that you have described above can be applied to a real-life situation you have experienced or witnessed. If you want to relate the concept to an event in your own life, you are more than welcome to; if you would rather not speak about your own life, then you may choose a real-life event that you have read about or seen in the media. You may also choose to write about somebody else’s lived experience (a person that you know or know of), but you must anonymise your text (ie, remove all identifying information about this person). Again, you are allowed to use appropriate and useful quotations from relevant articles in this section to establish the links between the lived experience you are describing and the course concept; however, these should be brief, concise and limited. Please do not use any sources we have not seen in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Part One
Heteronormativity describes a social construct where heterosexuality is perceived as natural and ideal. The concept entails assumptions and social norms that place male and female intimacy as the natural order of sexuality (Hobbs and Rice 136). Moreover, heterosexuality is viewed as superior compared to homosexuality and bisexuality (Hobbs and Rice 138). Since heterosexuality involves the sexual attraction of individuals in opposite binary genders, normalizing male-to-female relationships may impose discriminatory practices.
Therefore, assumptions about male and female relationships as the default forms of intimacy impose attitudes that other sexual attractions may be abnormal. Heteronormativity has served a dominant role in storytelling and imagery depicting the standardizations of couples (Hobbs and Rice 145). The dominance in heteronormativity can be viewed in media representations. With most film productions and television shows centered on male and female sexual relationships, members of the LGBT community advocate for progressive cultures that may lead to more representations in film portrayals. Heteronormativity may explain why LGBTQ sexual orientations may be viewed as confusion or dysfunction.
Extreme versions of heteronormativity may manifest in homophobic attitudes where people who do not fit the heterosexual domain are viewed as outcasts or abnormal. In addition, unequal representations of sexual relationships in media can influence homophobic reactions considering that same-gender relationships are evident in the natural world in higher ratios than is typically displayed in media. The lack of awareness of the impacts of extremist heteronormativity may lead to poor mental health outcomes for members of the LGBTQ community. Moreover, heteronormativity manifests in language and communication with bias placing heterosexual relationships as ideal or expected attributes.
Heteronormativity is a critical pillar in cultural progression as it shapes social norms. Assuming that all people are in opposite-sex relationships may impose judgmental tones. Moreover, it may lead to the formation of labels where sexual orientations deemed unnatural ...
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