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5 pages/≈1375 words
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English (U.S.)
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Community Involvement to Lower Crime in Lower Manhattan, New York

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Description:

Based on research, you will make a proposal argument about a current issue that you see as a crisis (or a crisis about to happen) in your local (city or county or similar size) community. You might consider looking through local newspapers to help you find current issues.

A proposal makes an argument about something that should happen to fix a problem or prevent a potential problem from occurring; you’ll need to first argue that it is a crisis that needs to be solved, and then you will argue for a practical proposal that offers a specific action to solve the problem.

Practical proposals tend to be narrower and focus on a particular audience that has the power to enact the change you suggest. For this paper, the best topics will be ones close to home, that directly impact you, your friends, your family, or your community. Choose a topic that affects a local group, or a town/county - not the whole state or country.

The essential pieces of a proposal are the following:

Convince your target audience that a problem exists – and that it needs immediate attention.

Convince them of the course of action and specific steps that need to be taken to solve the problem or help mitigate it.

Convince them that this course of action is feasible (possible with the available resources) and will actually solve the problem.

For the first part of the proposal argument, the demonstration of a problem/crisis, you will need to convince your particular audience that the issue is a crisis – a problem for that audience that needs immediate attention. You then need to develop a solution to that problem that is both clear and attainable by the audience you are addressing. Keep in mind that a solution may only make the situation somewhat better; that’s still better than inaction. Each of these pieces of the proposal should have at least a body paragraph devoted to them.

Banned topics: texting and driving, cyberbullying, social media’s effects on social skills, gun control, abortion, GMOs, marijuana or other drugs.

Research Requirements

For this paper, you’ll need to conduct some primary research through an interview or survey as well as find research sources through databases or other research methods. You must include at least three recent, credible, relevant sources in this essay that you conduct. Sources can include newspaper articles, magazines, journals, and periodicals. You can not use sources from the Internet such as Google, Yahoo, or Wikipedia. You may use Google Scholar.


The audience for this paper is a very specific audience that has the power to enact the proposal you are making. You might consider targeting a company’s CEO, or to local government officials or entities, or any other relevant audience that can enact whatever your solution is. Avoid general audiences like ‘everyone’ or ‘the American people’ or 'residents of Frisco' because it would be very difficult to actually get your message out to such a broad audience. If you really want to reach the public, you could consider asking the local government or another agency to conduct a public service announcement campaign, and then consider how they could do that most effectively.

Goals of Assignment:

Focus on a specific rhetorical purpose (persuading an audience of your proposal)

Use appropriate rhetorical techniques for a specific audience

Conduct thorough and relevant research, and incorporate that research in your own argument.

Organize your proposal logically and utilize careful transitions

Express your ideas clearly, with correct grammar

Demonstrate that your topic is timely and relevant

Engage with all stages of the writing process (proposals, drafts, peer review, etc), and evidence of revision from early drafts to the final draft

Demonstrate evidence of final editing and proofreading

Adhere to the assignment guidelines

Additional Requirements:

Your paper must be a minimum of 1000 and a maximum of 1500 words. Remember that Works Cited entries do not count towards the word count. Your paper must be grammatically correct and use correct 2016 MLA formatting and citations.

Your paper also needs to include a Works Cited page with at least three relevant, credible, and recent sources. All sources must also be used in your paper itself, with the correct 2016 MLA citation in both the paper and the Works Cited page.


Evaluation Essay (1)

Evaluation Essay (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA Format

The essay includes the correct MLA formatting and spacing according to the examples provided by the Professor.

15 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction

The essay includes an introduction with a hook in the first sentence, background information, and a thesis statement (last sentence). Paragraph should be 7-10 sentences.

20 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody Paragraphs

The body paragraphs include detailed information focusing on an issue/ crisis – a problem for that audience that needs immediate attention. Additionally, a solution to that problem is both clear and attainable by the audience you are addressing. Essay meets the word requirement

25 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

The conclusion summarizes the main points of the essay restates the thesis, and/or makes a recommendation.

20 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Mechanics

The essay is free of grammatical errors. No first or second-person language is used. No contractions are included.

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWorks Cited Page

A works cited page is included with at minimum 3 credible sources

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

10 pts

Total Points: 100

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Community Involvement to Lower Crime in Lower Manhattan, New York
Crime is a significant problem in Lower Manhattan, New York. Indeed, it entails things that violate the law and threaten people’s lives. Community involvement can significantly reduce crime. Since drivers of criminal activities are complex, communities that have high rates of crime might feel trapped between law enforcement and violence (Jasper). In that light, various steps should be followed to eliminate crime, which has become a crisis. They include self-development, developing the youth crime prevention programs, community centers, prevention of substance use, controlling gun ownership, community policing, and using social media platforms to mobilize community members against criminal activities.
The majority of people residing in Lower Manhattan can attest that crime is a significant issue in the community. Based on the New York City Police Department (NYPD), shooting incidents have been on the rise in 2022 compared to what was experienced in 2021. Gun violence has increased, and many criminals are using weapons to engage in crime. In particular, citywide shooting incidents rose by 13.4%. Some of the crime hotspots include Staten Island, Lower Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Southern Queens. The number of murders has increased by 34.3% (NYPD). On that note, many people in Lower Manhattan fear that they might become the next crime victims. They do not have peace of mind when they go around undertaking their daily activities. The NYPD has seized over 4,300 firearms, meaning that the majority of individuals still keep weapons (NYPD). Some people in Lower Manhattan have lost their resources or loved ones due to increased crimes.
Since crime incidents in Lower Manhattan continue to rise, the problem has become a crisis. For instance, in the first 7 months of 2021, NYPD officers had 2,687 gun arrests. In July 2022, there were 4,017 arrests made for major felony crimes, which was an 18.2% increase compared to felonies in 2021 (NYPD). Keechant Sewell, a Police Commissioner of New York City, admitted that crime rates have increased in New York City and its neighborhood. She further emphasized that the local government and police departments should ensure that everyone who works, visits, and lives in Lower Manhattan should be protected. Violent criminals do not fear carrying guns on the streets and cannot hesitate to shoot innocent individuals when engaging in criminal activities. COVID-19 has adverse financial impacts on many households since a significant proportion of the population lost their jobs (Stickle and Felson 526). If the crisis is not addressed, it will lead to further negative consequences, such as increased death rates and property damage.
As discussed above, crime in Lower Manhattan is a crisis that should be mitigated or solved. The first course of action to combat this problem is to control gun ownership. Specifically, gun violence has increased, and many criminals do not fear walking on the streets with weapons. Many criminals find it easy to own a gun since one can steal from licensed owners or buy on the black market. Although individuals should not be restricted from owning guns to protect themselves, they should keep these weapons safe to avoid them falling into the wrong hands. Not only the guns that should be kept safe but also other weapons, such as knives (Goel et al. 366). For instance, people who are licensed to have weapons for protecting themselves should lock them in their saves.
Self-development refers to the idea of improving peoples’ well-being. Individuals who want to improve their communities should change their behaviors for them to change those around them, a concept called rumi. They should use meditation, Mahatma Gandhi, to deal with stress or pressure (Jasper). Another effective strategy to solve crime in the community is by implementing crime prevention programs for young people. For instance, youth should be educated and nurtured well to prevent them from engaging in crimes. In addition, introducing community centers can reduce crime. A study conducted by New York University in 264 cities and involving 100,000 residents reveal that for every 10 new nonprofits, homicide rate was decreased by 9%, property crime by 4%, and violent crime by 6% (Jasper). The other step that should be taken to eliminate crime is preventing substance abuse since it significantly contributes to violent crime. Studies portray that substance abuse causes 40% to 60% domestic violence cases (Jasper). As such, communities can decrease crime by making sure that legal drugs are used responsibly. Furthermore, there should be proper treatment or coping mechanisms for those affected by drugs.
Another step that should be taken to address the problem of increased crime is community policing. Notably, police officers should be willing to work with the public to reduce crime rates in Lower Manhattan. Community policing has positive effects on eliminating crime since it enhances community safety (Thomas et al. 3). Due to the advancement of the Internet, civic engagemen...
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