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Tricking and Tripping: Fieldwork on Prostitution in the Era of AIDS

Essay Instructions:

Claire E. Sterk, “Tricking and Tripping: Fieldwork on Prostitution in the Era of Aids.

1. Briefly describe the men and women Sterk encountered in her study. How would you characterize gender relations on the strolls where Sterk carried out her fieldwork? How would you characterize women’s agency among her research subjects? How did Sterk relate to them as fellow women?

2. What is the most important lesson you learned about fieldwork and cultural anthropology from this article?

Julia Hall, “It Hurts to Be a Girl: Growing Up Poor, White, and Female.”

3.How do “poor white middle school girls in the postindustrial urban Northeast” deal with “high concentrations of domestic abuse” and domestic violence?

4.What is the socioeconomic context in which these young women are growing up?

Wednesday Martin, Poor Little Rich Women

5.How does Wednesday Martin represent gender relations, gender “segregation,” and gender inequality among very wealthy families on New York City’s Upper East Side? How do the lives of the women she portrays compare to those of Hall’s “poor white females” in “It Hurts to Be a Girl?

“An Amazing 1969 Account of the Stonewall Uprising”

6.What was the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York about? How did it unfold? Why is it so significant as a moment in U.S. History?

Supreme Court Ruling Makes Same-Sex Marriage a Right Nationwide

7.Most of this article summarizes the legal debates between majority and dissenting Supreme Court Justice, but the actual case that was decided, Obergefell et. al. v. Hodges, has a Ohio connection. The 13-minute film in this article tells the story of George Obergefell and his late husband, John Arthur, which led to the supreme court decision. What is their story? How did John Arthur’s mother, from Adams County Ohio) react to her son’s marriage to Obergefell? How does their personal story relate to the larger Court Case?

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Study Questions
Question 1
In this work, Sterk reveals the painful experiences she had during the fieldwork. She reveals the importance of compassion in order to understand why people do certain things effectively. The men are described as dishonest people that misused the women to propagate their business. Men own most of the areas set for prostitution businesses. On the other hand, women are described as humans who have the same feeling and mental qualities as ordinary humans. Sterk shares the experience in the fieldwork from a sympathy point of view. The prostitutes give their experiences in their word, making their lives comprehensible. In the lives presented in this fieldwork report, we can characterize women as strong people. She related to them as fellow women because they shared similar mental and social abilities.
Question 2
Fieldwork is an important exercise that can assist us in understanding the daily experiences of people. Moreover, cultural anthropology must aim to understand people and why they do certain things. The researcher or student must never aim to demean people based on the profession. As we can see from Sterk work, she focused on understanding the prostitutes from their own experiences.
Question 3
People growing in these poor conditions deal with high concentrations of domestic abuse and domestic violence by disregarding marriage. Most girls do not wish to get married because they think the husband will abuse t...
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