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Study Questions for Renegade Dreams: Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please answer TWO of the following questions on Chapter 4 of Ralph, “Disability, or, Why a Gang Leaders Helps Stop the Violence.” Please type out your responses in a word document and upload to Canvas in doc or docx format. Support your responses with relevant examples from the text. If you cite, paraphrase or refer to the text, be sure to page numbers (Ralph, p. 128).

1. What does Ralph mean when he notes that obligation and debt characterize gang life? Identify and explain two ways that obligation and debt operate in Eastwood. (Hint: one of the ways has to do with Justin’s relationship with Kemo).

2. What argument Ralph’s about disability in this chapter? Now that he is permanently confined to a wheelchair, how does Justin seek to influence members of his community? (Support with examples.)

3. “These ex-gang members, it turns out, have much to teach scholars about the importance of examining how and why certain populations in certain areas are disabled in certain ways” (p. 125). So, just what, according to Ralph, do disabled ex-gang members have to teach scholars? Identify and explain two of these lessons Ralph is getting at?

4. Ralph writes: “Justin’s wheelchair-bound life and the way he makes sense of his disability would be nearly unrecognizable to—not to mention incomprehensible—to, for example, a well-off, white, middle-aged person who is paralyzed in a car crash” (p. 126). So how does Justin make sense of his disability? What do you think Ralph is getting at here?

5.What do you see as the main argument of this chapter. Identify and discuss two ways that Ralph supports that argument.

Just choose two questions to answer!!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Study Questions for Renegade Dreams
"These ex-gang members, it turns out, have much to teach scholars about the importance of examining how and why certain populations in certain areas are disabled in certain ways" (p. 125). So, just what, according to Ralph, do disabled ex-gang members have to teach scholars? Identify and explain two of these lessons Ralph is getting at?
From Ralph's interviews with ex-gang members, the latter has something to teach scholars about disability experienced by different people in different areas. One of the lessons is how disability is a different experience for black people and especially ex-gang members in Chicago. In this area, disability among black people is mainly as a result of being shot. A majority of those who are shot are gang members. Once they are hospitalized and deemed disabled, their only means of livelihood is affected. This means that they have to start re-thinking how they should live their lives. Also, the views that their previous affiliate gang members have changes. The second lesson i...
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