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Democratic Gaps in Long Term Care in Ontario. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

In the mid-1990s, the Harris government introduced widespread privatization into long-term care in the Province of Ontario. At the time, this was heralded by the Conservative government as innovative and cost-saving, fitting nicely under the Conservative Party’s political platform: “A Common-Sense Revolution.” Much has been criticized in the conversion to private long-term care providers since the Harris years, but the dilemmas of this area of social policy have never been more apparent than during the COVID-19 outbreak. The strains on these institutions, after decades of privatization, has become all too apparent, and the human costs among senior citizens and long-term care workers has been undeniable.

If democracy is composed of some combination of freedom, equality and solidarity, have the democratic rights of senior citizens been sacrificed in the privatization of long-term care in Ontario?

Your paper should be 1250 words in length (five type-written, double-spaced pages). In answering this question, make sure that you are supplying an argument. This means that you should not merely describe the situation to your reader and then give your opinion. Instead, you have to build an argument, with a thesis and reasoned discussions that support your thesis.

You will gain more insight into the research and writing process, as we go over it in class and in your tutorials. But do not wait until then to get started. Search out some interesting sources for your paper to get things underway. You are required to utilise at least 5 credible sources for this paper, but it never hurts to use more! By ‘credible’, we mean that each source 1) is reproducible (ie. can located by) your reader and 2) possesses a reasonable degree of authority on the subject you are discussing (for example, anonymous websites, ‘blogs’, and Wikipedia are NOT good sources for academic papers)

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Democratic Gaps in Long Term Care in Ontario.
Democratic governments have found pride in safeguarding the interest of public opinion and public participation in government decisions. Through democracy, people believe that the government will protect and uphold the rights and freedoms provided in the people's Constitution. The privatization of public institutions in democratic countries has always been received with great opposition, criticism, and rejections. Any attempt to privatize state-owned enterprises usually attract protest ( Biglaiser, Glen, Danis, Michelle, 83). These protests are from employees of states who feel their lives being threatened, and their job security being uncertain. Nationality groups also fear the ownership of these enterprises by foreigners. Another cause for the protest is the use of these enterprises for political patronage where politicians reward their loyalists with plum jobs and exaggerated salaries. All this protest is aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. This paper aims to answer the question of how privatization of long-term care in Ontario sacrificed the freedom, equality, and solidarity of senior citizens.
In the context of the same democracies, the government is treated with so much legitimacy that it makes it easy for them to proceed and privatize. This is after deliberations and agreements, which to some extent, are never honored in the future. The privatization of long-term care in Ontario has caused serious threats to senior citizens and the caregivers. Senior citizens have freedoms and rights that need to be protected and cannot be achieved through privatization, and they can then much need to be done. For instance, in the privatization of long-term care, studies show that four aspects of security in the old age are highly undermined (Armstrong, Pat, Armstrong, Hugh, MacLeod, Krystal 2). This is about enterprises that are aimed at making a profit i.e., for-profit and those that have chain membership.
Security aspects that are undermined are security to Financial access. It is the right of every citizen in Canada to access both social and health care. Senior citizens are prone to elderly diseases and hence the need for long term care. But with privatization, the freedom of access to this essential service is limited by financial abilities. Those who can't afford it can't access it. This ends up creating a class dispute of those who can afford to access quality and better care versus those who can't afford it. However, the reason why privatization is fronted is to provide shocks to a straining economy which is characterized by the poor quality of service. But now, in private enterprises, quality is based on the ability to afford, which is against the freedom to health care access. All citizens have equal rights and freedoms. This guides that all senior citizens should receive equal treatment in matters Long term care. However, with the privatization of this sector, there is no equality in service. Private sectors have taken advantage of the tipping economic benefit from the aging care business and, as a result, capitalized in financial margins. This has led to the discrimination of senior citizens in terms of financial affordability. Care facilities have different services depending on how much capital they have. The aged also don't get what they deserve but what they can afford. This leaves the senior citizens in a worried mood that they might fail to afford what others can. If it was in a government enterprise, then all services are offered equally to all citizens.
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