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Applying Virtue Ethics. Social Sciences Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

In a short essay of about three pages, apply virtue ethics to a real situation. You are strongly encouraged to use one of the ethical dilemmas you submitted at the beginning of the semester

Important Note

Aristotle's doctrine of the mean applies to virtues only. It is tempting to apply it to everything (How warmly should you dress? Well, warmly enough that you're not cold but not so warmly that you're hot) but that's not how it works. To apply Aristotle's approach to a situation, you first need to name the relevant virtue. You then should describe the excess and the defect. Remember that Aristotle thinks this is more or less common sense and that we typically have words that mean exactly these things.

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Aristotle's mean is a philosophical doctrine that applies to every aspect of life. Each endeavor has two opposite outcomes, and moderation is the key to betting the best result. In each element, there is a positive and negative effect. Either can happen when you underperform or overperform an activity. This doctrine is not confined to human activity alone; even animals must strike a balance in thought before making a decision (Nahum 121). It is imperative to say that the doctrine is an animal trait. Sometimes the balance between negative and positive outcomes occur in the subconscious, and we do not spend a lot of time in the decision-making process. A particular example among humans is when and where a road should be crossed on a busy highway. This decision is key to survival and rarely does a person cross without checking the road because it may lead to death. Even when someone is in a hurry, they must stop to assess the situation before they leap into a decision. When a vehicle is oncoming, a person may choose to rush through, but they assess the likelihood of making through the other side of the road. If the merits outweigh the demerits, they cross at a calculated pace, but when the risks of injury and death are high, they stop and waits for safety. When hunting, animals also make these kinds of decisions; the predator asses a pack of animals and chooses the weakest and the heaviest. This factor increases the chances of making a kill, and the focus is put on the target point.
The ethical dilemma discussed earlier is whether a student should cheat and get a study scholarship abroad or whether they should embrace the reality of failure and give up the idea of studying abroad. The direct benefit mentioned was that the student's parents would be elated at the child's success; the catch here would be that they should not know of the examination malpractice. On the negative side, the parents would be disappointed if they do not qualify to get an education scholarship abroad. In this case, the student can choose whether to cheat and use false grades to get a scholarship or trust individual effort. However, all efforts are directed towards the same objective, getting a scholarship. For a solid ...
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