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Analysis of who is affected by COVID and why? Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

While it has become a major theme in the news of the pandemic that it is not affecting all populations to the same extent, the analyses of why that has been the case have been rather minimal. Most such discussions have addressed the health disparities, but they have not provided much information about the other effects of the crisis on race and ethnic minorities and other populations. (1) provide an overview of what the disparities or inequities have been with regard to who has been affected by covid19; (2) explain why covid19 has affected some populations more than others; and (3) importantly draw from the course material to provide more depth of understanding about both what is happening and how those in positions of authority have responded to these disparities. Please document any sources that you use and be sure to reference others if you use their ideas.

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Covid-19 in minority groups
Covid 19 pandemic has led to significant loss of human life, disruptions of global value chains and increased pressure in healthcare systems. Globally, over 49 million people have been infected with the virus, 1 million lost their lives, and over 35 million recovered (Worldometer, np). Besides, the socio-economic disruptions caused by the pandemic is devastating – with tens of millions of people at the risk of falling into extreme poverty. Today, nearly 690 million people are facing food problems, and the number is predicted to increase with over 132 million people by the end of the year (World Health Organization, np). Similarly, millions of business are the risk closing and nearly 50% of the global workforce at the risk of losing their source of incomes.
The pandemic has disproportionately affected the socially deprived and underprivileged populations across the world. Inequalities and other social factors that affect the health of certain groups are directly linked to the adverse health outcomes of the vulnerable populations during this pandemic. Disadvantaged communities are more prone to occupational exposure to coronavirus (McNeely et al., np). Unfortunately, these groups of people have limited access to quality and safe care as well as higher rates of deaths. For instance, in the United States, the marginal groups and underprivileged populations record higher rates of infectious disease and other health disparities.
Today, as the covid-19 pandemic continues to claim millions of lives across the world, research shows, the minority groups are at higher risk than affluent people. For example, in the United States, minority groups, mainly black people, have been infected and died from the virus across the country. Research by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the minorities groups are more hospitalized and die of coronavirus. In Illinois, for instance, over 37% of infections and 45% of deaths are from African Americans (Yaya et al., np). Similar trends of deaths and illnesses are depicted in North Carolina, Michigan, South Carolina and Missouri. Further, Latinos and Asians have shown higher rates of infections than other nationwide populations.
Comparable patterns in different parts of the world, such as Asian countries, the United Kingdom and Nordic countries show inconsistent infections and deaths. For example, Asian and black ethnic groups in these regions recorded higher rates of illnesses and deaths as compared to the whites. Blacks are four times more likely to die from coronavirus (McNeely et al., np). People from Chinese, Bangladeshi and mixed ethnic groups are 1.8 times more likely to die from the pandemic (Yaya et al., np). In Norway, the infection rate of Somalians living in this country was ten times the national average. In Sweden, immigrants from Iraq, Somalia and Syria are primarily infected by the coronavirus. For instance, while the Somali immigrants account 0.5% of the national population, they constitute 5% of the infected people (Yaya et al., np).
Health disparities is a far-reaching issue across the world. Health disparities are substantially influenced by race, ethnicity and socio-economic factors. That is, the world’s lowest social groups record higher morbidity and mortality rates (Yaya et al., np). For instance, malari...
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