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Treadmills, Kuznet Curve, Malthusian Theory, and Theory of the Tragedy of the Commons

Essay Instructions:

Short Answer:
1.According to The Story of Stuff what are the treadmills of production and treadmills? Why does production have a greater impact than consumption?
2.According to the NOVA segment, China Revs Up, how are pollution, industrialization and affluence connected according to the Kuznet curve? How is this promising for countries like China?
3.Discuss Malthusian theory presented by Diamond and others about global population & economic growth. Provide specific examples from either readings, films and lecture (lecture and Diamond).
4.Discuss Hardin’s theory of the Tragedy of the Commons and how Diamond’s concerns about government, business and citizens are part of the problem and, potentially, part of the solution.
Discuss the phases of the demographic transition including trends in births, deaths and population as well as proximate and ultimate causes for these trends. Your answer should cover the role of urbanization and industrialization particularly (lecture and Nolan & Lenski).
Short answer questions should be several sentences to a paragraph in length.
Essays should be 1 – 2 pages.
A page is 250-300 words. Adjust your margins and font accordingly.
Use whole sentences except when listing terms.
Reference the assigned reading/films/lecture when referring to specific ideas.
If you are using other sources, cite them and provide reference information.
Presentation of ideas from other sources as your own work is plagiarism and subject to loss of grade on the test and/or class.

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1. According to the Story of Stuff, the treadmills of production are society's pattern of production and consumption. Companies and corporations have a great emphasis on creating profits by producing commodities, needs, and most of all, wants of the market. Things or stuff are most probably built due to the demand, which creates revenue for big companies. In our world, the culture is predominantly consumerist and materialistic. This connotes that people consume stuff that they want much more than what they need. Human societies need the natural world so that resources can be processed into things that people want and need. In the story, human economic activity is presented and categorized into extraction, production, distribution, consumption, and disposal. It was also presented that production has a greater impact than consumption because production is driven by large corporations and big institutions that mass-produce commodities for the people. However, they are also the ones that promote the consumption of their products, even if people do not need them. In production, there is also a process that harms the environment. Pollution in all aspects such as land, air, and the sea is mostly from the process of production.
2. Kuznet’s Curve describes the relationship between industrialization and the environment. Simon Kuznet, the economist who first proposed this concept, observed that when countries first industrialize, there is a significant rise in pollution. Then, eventually, through continuous modernization, levels peak and then begin to decline. This was likely due to the increasing awareness of environmental issues and the improved capability to adapt and respond thanks to the development of new technologies and increased finances. But as China develops, its government is continually creating more policies that reiterate the importance of a greener and cleaner future. At the beginning of industrialization, manufacturers and producers often operated with older forms of technology that used more power and produced more pollution. But as time goes on, more awareness and more financial capability push these stakeholders to uphold responsibility in their work. The Kuznets Curve explains how China can benefit from its decision to close down factories that are too polluting. In the long run, this act can see through an environmentally beneficial future. This can create more health not just for the ecology but for the people as well.
3. According to the Malthusian theory, the population will grow faster than the supply of food. Population growth is exponential, which means that it will eventually cause food shortages due to the inadequate rate of food production capability. Thomas Malthus theorized that there would be events that would eventually balance this, labeling it as positive and natural checks. Positive checks, according to Malthus, were in the form of natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, floods, etc. He also mentioned human activity such as wars and famines as events that would bring the population-food production relationship to a sustainable level. Preventive checks are those that are consciously implemented to educate and teach people about the dangers of overpopulation and ways to prevent these. In Diamond’s presentation, he examines real-life situations wherein there was a huge gap in food production and population. And relates it to Thomas Malthus's predictions. In east Afr...
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