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How Long Will Vaccine Take to End the COVID-19 Pandemic

Essay Instructions:

Pre-Exercise Questions: Are there any important issues about your college or university community that have not been in the local news? Why and what do you think is missing from news reports?

Write your findings in the form of a 3-4 page paper, MLA format, size 12 font, Times New Roman or Arial, responding to the five prompts listed below

Identify a problem on your college or university campus or in the larger community. For example, “There’s not enough people wearing masks,” or “Covid19 is forcing some students out of college,” or, “When will it be safe to return to the campus?” or “How long will the vaccine take to end pandemic? When is it safe to return to the campus?”. (Realize that even as you decide how to frame the question of any topic, you’re suggesting parameters for your story.)

Identify the information you’ll need to analyze the story from conventional- and public journalism perspectives. First, start with the conventional-news approach. Where do conventional journalists go for information? Do you think you already “know” what these sources would say? Does this mean that there are some people you will or will not consider as sources?

Since you are a member of the campus/community in which this problem exists, what do you know about the problem? Can you include your knowledge in the story? If so, how? Does the information change if this is a broadcast story (television or radio) instead of a print story? Next, address these questions using a public- journalism approach.

How are conventional news stories organized and how would you organize your story? Does all of the information fit into a two-sided story framework? How many “sides” might there actually be to this problem?

Now, interpret the ways in which each approach framed the story. What story details did you select? Which were emphasized the most? Which story details were excluded? Why? What do the stories seem to suggest as the cause of the problem? What solutions, if any, do the stories advance?

Finally, evaluate each story approach. Which is more deliberative? Which is easier to write? Which is more interesting to write? Which story do you think would be most interesting to readers? What do you think was the ultimate goal of each story approach?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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How Long Will Vaccine Take to End the COVID-19 Pandemic
When COVID-19 started in China, no one thought that it would be declared a pandemic in some months to come. The deadly viral disease was declared a pandemic in March 2020, resulting in the implementation of many restrictions to curb the spread. Many people worldwide have been infected, and some have lost their lives. The discovery of the COVID-19 vaccine was the best thing that happened. However, not all people have been vaccinated against coronavirus as it continues to mutate. The primary question is, "how long will the vaccine take to end the pandemic?"
For one to analyze this story from the conventional perspective, it would be appropriate to search for facts, entertainment, adhere to journalism regulations, and maximize profits through increased consumption. In that light, conventional journalists develop stories that capture the audience and those that would go viral. For instance, Benjamin Smart and Herkulaas Combrink are conventional journalists from The Conversation. Based on their view, it can be difficult to predict when COVID-19 will come to an end despite the ongoing vaccinations. Unlike other immunizations that provide enough protection against diseases, coronavirus vaccines help individuals reduce the impact of the disease on their bodies if they become infected (Smart and Combrink). As such, conventional news sources would not give a specific date for when the vaccine will eliminate COVID-19. However, they rely on well-established health organizations' research to make their points and give their articles captivating titles. For sure, one would not consider some sources written by conventional journalists. For example, conventional news from unknown media houses is likely to be ignored due to their incredible information. 
Being a community member affected by COVID-19, I know that this disease has killed many people and others continue to be infected. Although vaccinations boost the body’s immune system, the news is not saying that even when vaccinated, one can get infected and contract this illness. In addition, the high rate of mutation might render some vaccines useless. I would include my knowledge in the news story. I would broadcast it on television and mainstream media to emphasize the production of new vaccines that suppress the symptoms of new COVID-19 variants. Currently, I would highly discourage the use of radio and print media since not many people in this era rely on news from these sources.
From the perspective of public journalists, they spread the information from various sources without emphasizing news credibility and validity. For instance, based on the news f...
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