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Third Party Presidential Candidate Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Please read carefully, the essay needs 4 references and 1 have to be a scholarly journal article. I also gave you 5 helpful articles. Those may help you. Thank.
Overview: This assignment is designed for students to hone their research and sociological investigation skills. Students will be required to write from a viewpoint that may not be their own, in an effort to elicit diverse perspectives and begin conceptualizing social trends and alternative pathways. 
Instructions: Employing an academic writing style (formalized/standard English, spelling, punctuation and grammar) each student will compose a sociologically informed essay (600 word minimum) where they will attempt to persuade the reader of the strengths and validity of a particular social position/viewpoint. Each essay must contain a minimum of four (4) references. One reference must be a scholarly journal article. Students will be evaluated on their paper’s organization, clarity of thought and sociological analysis.
Helpful Hints
Clearly state your [assigned] position
Consider a specific audience [Indicate the demographic you are writing for (e.g. parents, high school students, college educated people, everyday citizens, etc)].
Gather facts as well as your opinion
Anticipate your readers concerns and questions
Counteract the “other-side” of the argument [detail the weaknesses or issues with voting for a Democrat or Republican]

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Date of Submission:
Third Party Presidential Candidate
It is undeniable that Republicans and Democrats always dominate American politics to an extent that the country’s political system is described as a two-party-political system. That is not the case because parties such as the Green party, the Libertarian party, and the Constitution party exist in America today. Critical to the discussion is the reality that third parties rarely receive public attention in America. In fact, not a single third party has won one electoral vote since 1968 (Campus Engagement Election Project, pp.1). It is notable that the dominance of Democrats and Republicans exists because of the foundations laid down by the fore fathers of America. Considering that history can only be made, young Americans have an opportunity to be part of history. Specifically, students in high schools should eliminate the mentality of an American country that is dominated by two parties because that is a belief of elderly who are too old to change theirs.
To begin with, a study conducted by IPSOS (pp.8) reveals that 80 percent of the Democrats believe that President Barrack Obama did his work effectively. On the contrary, 84 percent of Republicans disapproved the idea that President Barrack Obama did his work effectively. The same study reveals that 51 % of Americans from third parties believed that President Barrack Obama did not complete his work effectively. Clearly, opinions from republicans and Democrats tend to be biased because members seem to have responded to the question because of their political preferences instead of factual evidence. It follows that there is likely to be biased opinion based on the evidence provided above. Simply put, Democrats and Republicans could easily vote for a presidential candidate just because the candidate belongs to their political party instead of voting for a candidate based on the candidate’s vision for America.
According to Chalabi in an online newspaper (n.p.), 15 % percent of Americans contemplate voting for a third party presidential candidate. However, the same population considers voting for a third party presidential candidate as a waste of ...
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