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Does Descartes commit a category mistake, as Ryle contends? Why or why not?

Essay Instructions:
(i) The point of this assignment is for you to choose a position and justify your choice--you should not "sit on the fence." That means that you have to give reasons to support your view, and you have to try to anticipate how acritic would object to the position that you take and how you would respond to such criticism (which means giving more reasons). The assigned readings are often likely to be important here, so do not ignore them.(ii) Stick to the topic. Your essay should begin with a short introductory paragraph, which explains briefly and clearly what you intend to say and how you intend to support it. 'Briefly' means briefly. You do not need a whole page to do this. Avoid windy introductions. Limit your opening remarks to a few clear and succinct sentences which say what position you intend to take and how you intend to justify it. --No grand (and unsupported) generalizations about the history of thought, or humanity's "quest for knowledge" or "today's society" etc., please! Clarity, precision and conciseness are virtues here.(iii) Remember to explain the question! (iv) Read Vaughan and McIntosh, Writing Philosophy, Chapters 3-5. These chapters provide some useful tips for writing an argumentative essay. For help with grammar, punctuation, style and documentation, seeWritingPhilosophy, Chapters 7-9 and Appendix B.(v) Since your task is to present and justify your position, you should avoid secondary sources. I am interested in what you have to say about these topics, not what someone else thinks.(v) You should, however, discuss assigned readings where they are relevant, and you must cite the ones you discuss. Anything that you cite or quote should be clearly indicated as a citation or a quotation, and appropriate page-numbers should be provided. Your paper should include a proper bibliography, which identifies the author(s),editor(s), title, publisher and date of any source that you consult--even if everything is in the course reader--or the relevant and complete bibliographical information in the form of footnotes or endnotes. (There is no need to includeWriting Philosophy in your bibliography.) See Writing Philosophy, Ch
Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Your name] [Professors] [Course title] [Date] Does Descartes commit a category mistake, As Ryle contends? Why or why not? Introduction Professor Ryle`s book, The Concept of Mind critiques the thoughts of Rene Descartes on Cartesian dualism that is referred as the category mistake, in which Descartes thinks the mind is above and over someone’s behavioral dispositions. In this essay, I will agree with Ryle’s argument on Descartes committing a category mistake. I will support my arguments first, by discussing Descartes` argument, discussing what category mistake is and how it arises. Then finally, from Ryle’s arguments on Descartes myth, I would justify how Descartes committed a category mistake. Descartes` argument In the famous work of Descartes, Meditations, he declared two independent substances: mind and matter. He perceived mind as an active and conscious substance that is capable of thinking and reflecting, and it is uninhibited by mechanical laws. The mind attributes to the different forms of thinking since it is unique, conscious, invisible, eternal, dynamic and different from the body. He attributes that a man’s soul and mind is different from his body and the body does not possess whatever is in the mind. With this, he advocated for dualism of the mind and the body (Descartes 161; Zaldivar et al). Descartes perceived the mind as free and simple, but the body as being its substratum in the gland (374). The mind and body relationship, questions the substratum in that, the soul could be merged with the body and so, it does not exist in exclusion of other parts because it is indivisible (371). His writings consider the soul as non-physical, but in some parts he considers the soul as physical. It is difficult to understand how the soul is connected to the whole body especially, the non-physical soul. Descartes established dualism, but he did not really explain the creation of the two substances (mind and matter), the relationship between them, and what caused them. This brings in the difficulty of dualism and the conception of category mistake (Zaldivar, et al). A category mistake A category mistake occurs on the presentation of facts of a particular kind, and in a manner that suggests it belongs to another kind. Ryle explains that a concept belonging to a logical category is set up in a way that it logically operates. For example, a foreign guest could be given a tour around Oxford, where he sees various colleges, sports fields, laboratories, and libraries, but he still asks where the university is. The answer to that is all the above (18). When someone does not properly employ the concepts that they are working with or working on, they commit a category mistake. They commit this category mistake from their incapacity to utilize some items in the human language. Ryle describes that, The theoretically interesting category mistakes are those made by people who are perfectly competent to apply concepts, at least in the situations which they are familiar, but are still liable in their abstract thinking to allocate those concepts to logical types to which they do not belong (10). Ryle`s argument Descartes` Myth In chapter one of the Concept of Mind; Descartes` Myth, Ryle describes myth as "the dogma of the ghost in the machine." His interests are in the logical geography of the concepts, but not in the development of a theory of the concepts. Misrepresenting facts that belong to a single category is a myth. Revealing a myth is not about denying facts, but reallocating those facts (Ryle, 9). Ryle’s idea was to come up with a logical conclusion of the arguments pointed out by Descartes, which to him, lacked a basis and committed a category mistake. Descartes came up with a myth that is on the non- physical status of the mind. This myth was exposed by Ryle so as to determine the mental-conduct concepts that lies in them. His approach was not about denying the concepts and ideals already allocated to the general argument, but Ryle would seek to relocate these facts (10). Ryle alludes that people assume two kinds of existence and when this existence happens, it could be physical or mental existence (14). The dualism that Descartes created is as a result of the distortion of language and that is why Ryle referred to it as Descartes Myth. The dualism is a category mistake, because a category includes a variety of items that are meaningfully asserted. But according to Ryle, the items (mind and body) making up the argument are not. Descartes used two concepts and tried to create a comparison and contrast between them, alluding that the body is different from the mind, yet the body and the mind are not in the same category of existence. One is of mental existence and the body is a physical existence. The mind can therefore not be treated the same as the body. For example, ta...
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