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Theory in the Flesh

Essay Instructions:

This essay is to answer the questions

1.According to Cherie Moraga, what is theory in the flesh? (Refer back to the reading, cite evidence from the text by directly quoting the author or paraphrasing in your own words). How would you define your own theory in the flesh?

2.How was the Trump administration choosing to define the definition of gender? Why does the interviewer refer to this as a "narrow definition"?

According to Chase, what does establishing a legal definition of sex under Title 9 do?

Trump: https://youtu(dot)be/G0cGOj5SCm0

4 myths: https://everydayfeminism(dot)com/2016/02/myths-about-undocumented/

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Theory in the Flesh
According to Moraga Cherie, a theory in the flesh refers to one whereby the people’s realities of their lives, including their skin color, sexual orientation, and the respective places where they grew, all combine to develop a politic arising from necessity. This is where individuals try to bridge the inconsistencies in their experiences. It incorporates those who are painted in white feminism, lesbians within straight persons, etc. The people prioritize bridging by naming themselves and narrating their stories in their words. The main message reflected in their stories is their denial of the easier description of the living conditions. Nothing is easy concerning a shared cultural timing of whatever Yamada refers to as “unnatural disasters” (Moraga 23). People are increasingly attempting to separate the experience fibers they have as daughters of a stressed population when they are near their homesteads.
On the other hand, from a personal perspective, the theory in the flesh is definitive of our realities and experiences we can never ignore. It is reflective of how people’s life theory develops. Everyone is always interested in following a community that utilizes blood and flesh experiences to concretize a vision. Nothing on the planet made me feel more irritated than indecision and silence. The denial or incapability to perform anything, including something whenever a thing is required, performed, or said, was intolerable.
During its reign in the previous term, the Trump administration considered defining gender as a consistent condition established merely by an individual’s biology. The administration considered the “narrow” clarification of gender as an unchangeable and biological condition only decided by genitalia during birth, the most radical move in a government-based determination to roll back transgender people’s protection and acknowledgment under the national civil rights legislation. According to Democracy Now (2018), a YouTube channel, the former g...
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