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Gender is Performative and the Key Concepts in Before Gender, There was Flesh

Essay Instructions:

This essay is to answer the questions. You don't need to maintain essay's structure

- How does Butler define gender? What does she mean when she says "gender is performative"

- In your own words, discuss what you understood from Spillers' reading. What did you not understand? What questions do you have?

- Break down the following key concept in Spillers' argument: "Before gender, there was flesh" -

Butler: https://youtu(dot)be/Bo7o2LYATDc

You may focus on Spiller's essay. For other questions you may just provide a short answer to it.


1. Explain Ruth Gilmore's definition of 'racism' in your own words - do you agree with this definition - is it useful? What would you change about it?

2. What common misconceptions have you encountered when it comes to any of the terms I discussed in the first part of the lecture?

3. Did you know about the Moynihan Report - what do you think about it's main purpose and goals? How is Moynihan's argument problematic and why does Spiller critique his analysis of the "black family"?

4. Define the following terms in your own words:

- Pathology (hint: define Moynihan's use of this term)

- ungendering

- flesh

5. Include two question in this response, questions you have or need clarification on.


- Ruth Gilmore's definition of 'racism' at 1:33

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Judith Butler defines gender as the primary approach whereby there is the naturalization and production of feminine and masculine ideas. According to her, gender is never linked to material physical realities though it is independently and entirely a fiction or social construction, which is prone to contestation and alteration. Moreover, Butler also claims that "gender is performative." She implies that no person is a gender before performing gendered actions. Gender is merely authentic such that it is conducted. It is an action but not an action by an individual who may be considered to preexist the act. According to the phrase's meaning, no gender distinctiveness following gender expressions exists. Identity is established by the expressions known to be its outcomes. Above all, the perception that gender is performative clarifies how various actions contribute to forming gender identity (Big Think).
In my view, I understood various aspects of Hortense Spillers's reading. Most importantly, the author described the Africans' dehumanization into typical arithmetic, eliminated from their names and motherlands, and granted new ones in contradiction to Europeans, who are continually distinguished name-wise in transactional accounts. Left in a here nor their status has resulted in intergenerational shock, enslaved Africans' cutback to their bodies (Spillers 70). However, the gendered disparity between them, like females, apportioned less space compared to males on the vessels during the Middle Passage period. Also, the author emphasizes the lack of academic consideration of gendered disparity involving enslaved people and their harsh treatment during her writing. Moreover, certain aspects are unclear to me regarding Spillers's reading. For example, what factors significantly contributed to African treatment? Did they actually deserve whatever they went through?
The flesh is central to the planet's order. Spillers refers to the or...
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