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How Social Media and Mass Media Make People Insecure

Essay Instructions:

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My topic is about how social media and mass media make people insecure, destroys beauty standards, and makes people want to something that they are not.

Paper should be double spaced Times New Roman 12pt font and this an ethnography type of essay.

For this essay, you will focus on a specific group of people and, after doing research, write about what makes that specific group unique using the information that you discovered during your research. Writing an ethnography will test your research skills by bringing them out of academia and into the field to engage with the culture/subculture that you choose. You might have to volunteer somewhere or go to a park where there is a gathering, or engage, somehow, with some sort of online community - whatever topic, you will need to go into the field to do part of your research.

You may also think of this argument as your dominant impression, or the main point you most wish to establish and communicate throughout, but be sure that you remain objective in your observations and careful not to misrepresent the culture and group you write about.

The essay will also focus on a narrative and a journalistic style, telling the story of a group of people using various types of research.

Your ethnography paper should also meet the following criteria:

• Unity/Support: The essay establishes a unique thesis about a specific group of people/culture and stays true to the primary thesis using research to support your observations. It uses information from at least 6 scholarly/credible sources and properly cites those sources with in-text citations and works cited page. Sources should be a variety of types (books, journal articles, websites, newspapers, magazines, etc.). Paraphrased, summarized, and quoted information should be carefully introduced and integrated into the essay (be sure to indicate where the researched information is from and include in-text citations). Should show that you are engaging in a conversation with the sources by discussing any source information used and connecting it to the thesis.

• Language & Personal Style, Coherence & Sentence Skills: The paper employs effective organization and transition phrases/words to move smoothly from one idea to the next. The paper is well-organized overall and well-crafted at the sentence level, with care taken to use clear, specific language. Grammatical mistakes have been identified and eliminated utilizing whatever strategies and assistance is necessary.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Beauty and Mass Media
Technological advancements in recent years have seen a rise in the use of social media and mass media, especially among the youth (Larsen 299). Social media refers to interactives that are aimed at facilitating the creating and enhancing the transfer of information, interests, ideas, and other forms of expression from one person to another through networks. Social media thus aims at breaking the communication barrier in terms of distance in society. On the other hand, mass media refers to the different media technologies that reach a large audience through mass communication. According to research, most youths have different social media accounts, for instance, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn and mass media, for example, magazines and newspapers, for information. However, although social media and mass media have several advantages for users, they also have several challenges. The paper will discuss how social media and mass media make people insecure, destroy their beauty standards, and make people want to be something they are not. The paper will mainly focus on teenagers and youths because they are the most likely to be influenced by social media and mass media.
Social media and mass media were meant to break down barriers in communication by bringing people together, thus making it possible for people to have new friends worldwide. According to recent statistics, more than 77% of Americans have a social media profile. However, some people have taken advantage of these social media platforms to cause insecurities in innocent users through actions such as cyberbullying. For example, some people use their social media accounts to bully others based on their dress and appearance. Sometimes such shaming may come as if they are making fun of each other, but they result in unforgettable marks on the victim (Sklarov 1). Many youths have lost their self-esteem by being victims of being ashamed in public.
Social media and mass media have also negatively affected the youth by intensifying body acceptance issues. A good number have developed low esteem issues about their bodies based on their experiences on these social media platforms, making them struggle a lot with their looks (Giordano 1). Although some youths may have some self-esteem issues about their looks normally, these insecurities have intensified dramatically since the advent of social media. Spending a lot of time viewing what other teenagers and youths have posted on their timelines has made some girls want to lose more weight to be attractive and good-looking (Giordano 1). On the other hand, the majority of male youths and teenage boys feel that they do not look good because they do not have muscles. Therefore, these youths feel that they need to put on more muscles. The biggest problem with this kind of pressure is that most of the pictures uploaded on these social media platforms are usually photo-shopped and edited, thus making the owners seem perfect. They also portray that these individuals are living their best lives, which is not usually the case.
Social media and mass media have also created insecurities among youths and teenagers by forcing them to hide their imperfections, eventually becoming a major issue in their lives. Many teenagers and youths try to hide their feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and depression behind their social media profiles. Judging by what people upload on their social media, one would be fooled that all these people have their lives under control (Sklarov 1). The greatest danger with hiding such insecurities is that these people will not get the much-needed help. Parents get fooled by the pretentious perfection, making them fail to see signs of depression and anxiety so that they can offer them the necessary help required.
Another negative effect of social is that it makes people want to be who they are, not through increased social status pressure. In most cases, the kind of people we tend to be friends with or follow on social media platforms are people close to us, celebrities, or people we like f...
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