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Theoretical Framework

Essay Instructions:

***Using Disney movie- Maleficent to do this assignment.***

Description and Rational: This assignment allows you to find a theoretical framework that will help you discuss, analyze, and support your claims regarding an implicit.

Step 1 Sources: Locate two and no more than three sources that will help you develop a theoretical framework for this assignment. One of these sources must be scholarly. While this may seem counter-intuitive, the source should not directly address your text. If you want to do research on your text that is understandable, but in order to make sure that your analysis is what guides and drives your assignment, it is sometimes better not to read too much about your text so you stay focused on your own argument about the text instead of summarizing the sources’ arguments, which isn’t the assignment and doesn’t constitute original prose. 

Step 2 The Assignment: Then write 800-1000 word paper in which you do two things:• Briefly summarize the sources. Summarize the key concepts and terms presented in the sources clearly and in your own words. Limit quotations from the sources. Use no more than one or two sentences from each source total.

• Explain how you will use the theoretical concepts you summarized to develop your argument in the essay.

Getting Started: Most of you will find Step 1 to be the most challenging part of this assignment. In order to locate an appropriate theoretical foundation, you need first to know where to look. In order to know where to look, you need to have some idea of the direction you want to take in developing essay. Hopefully now you have a clearer

idea of what implicit meaning or area interests you. Once you have narrowed that down, ask yourself the following questions in relation to your primary source/text before you begin your search for theoretical (secondary) sources:

• What am I most curious about with regard to this text and what is says about gender, race, difference, the body, U.S. culture, politics, the environment, etc.?

• What is the core concept or idea that I wish to pursue with regard to my topic?

• What disciplinary fields might have something to say about this concept?

• Does the text support and promote dominant or stereotypical ideologies about gender, race,

difference, and/or the body or challenge and critique them?

• Does it support or challenge specific aspects of U.S. culture or politics?

Criteria for Evaluation: When evaluating this essay, I will be looking for the following:

• One to three resources—one must be scholarly—that appear to be feasible theoretical foundations for your topic.

• Clear, concise summary of the resource(s) composed in your own words.

• Minimal use of quotation (i.e. use no more than 1 or 2 sentences from each source total).

• Logical, clear, and effective explanation regarding how you will use this resources to develop your argument in essay.

• MLA formatting including clear in-text citations and works cited for all the sources used in the assignment.

Points will be deducted for failing to:

• Do all required parts of the assignment and meet minimum requirements.

• Use MLA format throughout the assignment.

• Eliminate most grammar, mechanical and typographical errors.

*** Please include your outline in the last page, and fill out the Source Evaluation forms (see attachment) ***

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Theoretical Framework
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The first source I identified for my textual analysis is Foundations of Art and Design: An Enhanced Media Edition by Lois Fichner-Rathus. Lois opens this book by addressing the concept of creative impulse art and design. Artwork is a creative activity that involves a lot of skill and experience.
The concept of impulse refers to the internal urge to create something. Lois delves deeper into the foundations of art and design; according to her, the urge to create is a prime inspiration. One cannot wake up one morning and decide to be an artist. The author argues that there has to be passion for one to do art and design successfully. This book therefore is a useful source in the textual analysis for this course. A perspective of life and art is considered. A question arises as to how artworks have impacted on the human life.
Under the concept of art as a creative impulse, Lois explores the contrast between nature and culture as far as art work is concerned. This contrast between the two concepts helps one in the understanding of the various roles that nature and culture have played in shaping artwork. Art and design is a concept that has taken many dimensions over the years and it important to investigate the role various foundations of art and design and how this has shaped our daily lives. This book provides a lot of useful information on the design world and gives guidelines to such concepts as graffiti which has taken roots in our daily lives.
Another useful source I was able to identify is Lisa Gottlieb’s Graffiti Art Styles: A Classification System and Theoretical Analysis. In this book, Lisa borrows concepts from the foundations of art and design. Some of these concepts are addressed by Lois in the first source stated earlier in this theoretical framework. Lisa outlines the various graffiti styles in practice today. Color plays a significant role in any art work with this knowledge in mind, one is then able to design different kinds of graffiti to suit different purposes and environments.
Graffiti is meant to convey important information using visual appeal to different scenarios. During Halloween, for example, graffiti find a lot of application in the design of scary images for the Halloween season. Lisa presents a case of cataloguers trying to identify and apply the various styles used in the development of graffiti. She notes that it had been establi...
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