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Mexican Rite of Passage

Essay Instructions:

You will write about a ritual or rite of passage associated with Mexican / Chicano culture. The research paper must be 4 doubled spaced, types pages in length. Your report must be organized as follows: Part 1: The ritual: address the origins of the ritual and include the who, what,when, where, why and how of the ritual. Part 2: The Analysis: In order to analyze the ritual it is required that you use three steps process associated with analyzing ritual.the three step process involves: separation phase, liminal phase and reincorporation phase. also explain the use of dominant symbol and the meanings attached to them. Part 3: Meta-Analysis: In this final section the larger purpose of this assignment is your experience as an anthropologist. Please discuss your experience , the challenges, the benefits ,limitations and importance of this assignment. * Be sure to try to observe a ritual or rite of passage as it is taking place to more effectively analyze the ritual process. -Examples of rites of passage: 1. Quinceanera 2.Marriage 3.Baptism 4.Funeral 5.Sun Dancers -Examples of rituals: 1 Dia de los Muertos 2. Dia de la Virgen Blessing of a burial site 4.Sunrise ceremonies 5.Curanderismo(traditional healing)

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Mexican Rite of Passage
Mexican culture is characterized by loving parties and Mexico is hugely recognized as a place where excellent wedding occasions take place. The wedding rituals involves a ceremony where two people getting married are joined together by families and friends to mark the rite of passage. MacDougall (254) stipulate that Mexicans have passion and for the most part of traditional religious fever, marriage rituals always differ from marriages from other culture. Marriage ceremonies conducted by a priest between to people who want to be married. Mexican culture does not allow homosexual thus marriage ceremonies only takes place in a heterosexual marriage. Mexicans weddings base on couples love, union and cultural heritage.
According to Turner & Victor (5), Mexican weddings consists of a blend of customary Catholic and cultural essentials. Most Mexican weddings involve a Catholic mass done in homage to Mexico dedication to Virgin of Guadalupe. In Catholic mass, the couple present flowers to Virgin Mary, who intercedes prayers for them. Native Mexican traditions dictate that red rose beads be tossed while exiting the church to symbolize good luck. Lazo that could be a white ribbon or large rosary is placed at the couples neck, shoulders or even wrists. Lazo is used to show bonding in love and trust between the two partners. The bride wears a veil that is white in color to symbolize purity. The groom may dress a matadorian clothing. A lot of food include spicy rice, beans, tortilla dishes are served to people who attend the wedding ceremony whereas the couples having the wedding are prepared special meal.
Separation phase in rite of passage is considered as the stage that shows commencement Sanchez (23). As stipulated by MacDougall (256), the engagement starts after having a relationship of one to three years. Seed denotes that after the engagement period, the man offers his fiancée a solitary ring in a romantic way or a distinct occurrence like valentine's festivals (1576). Upon acceptance from the woman, the couple then organizes a meeting to incorporate both parents and inform them their decision. Religious leaders are also informed about the decision and make all inquiries concerning any impendent to the marriage. Bachelor's party is then held separately for both sides. The woman invites her bachelorette friends. She informs them the next step she is undertaking. The man also asks his friends and have a last party as a bachelor. It marks the separation as she embarks to the next level.
Liminal phase is defined as a movement between fixed points and is fundamentally ambiguous, unsettled, and unsettling Turner & Victor (12). In the passage of rites, liminal phase is used to refer to betwixt and among the locations allocated and arrayed by decree, tradition, and agreement and formal their community condition is a mix-up of all the customary phases. Liminal Phase in a marriage rite is characterized by preparation of wedding as the two partners set to join other wedded people to form a join family life. Once parents from both sides do agree that marriage between the two individuals will happen, a date is set for which the wedding will take place. Seed stipulate that before marriage ceremony the couple visits the women's family and gets a lot of advice on life after the wedding (1579). The couple is then advised to select mentors who will give them moral assistance, spiritual support and guidance on how to conduct their activities together. Weddings and the celebrations associated with the marriage are often grand, festive, well-attended affairs catered by the bride's family.
Turner & Victor (15) defines Incorporation phase in rite passage as a stage that involves blending of new membe...
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