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Advancement in Technology is Changing Human Biology

Essay Instructions:

The specific requirements of the composition are in the attachment.

First paragraph: hook

The second paragraph: the first essay essay on the essay topic

Article URL: https://www(dot)newyorker(dot)com/science/maria-konnikova/social-media-affect-math-dunbar-number-friendships

The third paragraph: the second essay essay on the essay topic

Article URL: https://www(dot)newyorker(dot)com/magazine/2014/09/22/camera

The fourth paragraph: The third article cites the argument of the essay topic

The article is in the attachment

Fifth paragraph: draw conclusions

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Technology Is Changing Human Biology
Technology advancements are taking place at a breakneck pace. To some, the rate at which technology is altering lives should create worry in the world. Technology is meant to make human life easier by creating measures that can efficiently make more work be accomplished in lesser duration. However, the inventions and advancements are changing what it is to be human and has tampered with human biology to greater heights. For example, a scientist can facilitate reproduction processes, genetically breeding, cloning under vegetative propagation, and more so, social interactions among human beings. Such advancements have altered the natural ways of reproduction and much more. However, revolutionary technology has affected lives in various useful ways.
A human being living a normal life mostly is involved in many tasks that require efficient results that need to be delivered in time. In a moment, one can find themselves under pressure with responsibilities, making one nervous. In such a state, the easiest way out is multitasking. The study shows that the human brain only works efficiently if one operates a single task at a time, such that the higher the number of tasks one tries to conduct, the higher the chances of distraction. For instance, when a driver is connected to a friend through a phone call, he or she is more likely to get into an accident (Restak). The mind of this driver keeps shifting between whatever topic they could be talking about and the conditions on the road. Beside distraction, multitasking leads to wastage of time as one spends time and energy moving around while performing a task, leading to a lot of pressure and failure in some of these tasks. There is a need to balance these advances against virtual friendship and modern nerves. With the many existing interactions online, it is difficult to develop social skills effectively because we learn how we are supposed to act by observing others and having chances of acting those observations ourselves (Restak). Research shows that human beings are not born full of social awareness, but too much virtual interaction can subvert that education. For example, in real life experiences. One can be submitted to a difficult situation that assists him or her to deal with it, to learn and to compromise, but in social media ones someone pisses the other off, the easy way out is blocking the person or pull the plug and leave. However, when one spends time offlin...
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