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Political Ideology Reflection Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Use the notes attached to write a related reflection.

Please follow the Instruction attached including format. Answer at least two questions.

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Political Ideology Reflection
Political ideologies represent the set of beliefs and worldviews that shape economic, political and social proposals. I believe that policymakers should protect the best interests of the community, and in cases where government intervention is necessary then the government can influence changes. For instance, American public infrastructure has lagged behind other industrialized countries and even attempts to improve public works have been undermined by those supporting small government, many who believe that government intervention simply equates to moreover personal control and less freedom.
In the first exercise to assess where I fit in the political map, I am in the statist/ big government category personal issues score 20% economics Issues Score is 0%. The results in the second survey were mainly in the libertarian quadrant with a focus on freedom. The third survey indicates that I am most like Michelle Obama. The results of the surveys correlate in some aspects, but there are differences with a preference for big government and freedom at the same time. The most surprising result was the first survey, which differentiates libertarian ideology for other ideologies as I believed the most accurate description would be centrist and not statist but leaning more to the left.
Jobs and the growth of the economy are important to me, and the better when growth is broad-based where the poor earn higher wages. Where possible, the government can provide economic assistance if necessary to ensure economic stability, but the free markets make it easier to innovate, compete on quality, pricing performance, unlike cases where there are burdensome regulations. Generally, the market is better at allocating resources than the government so long as there is no collusion among market insiders or monopolies that are closely tied to the government. Free trade also allows the countries to focus on what they are good at, but the government still needs to protect jobs at home, even if this requires imposing tariffs.
At the moment I have no strong political identification but lean to the left while different economic and political matters influence me. I believe in the need to protect freedom of choice and government safety nets. The recent debates on health care changes and provision are just one way that government intervention and the issue of safety nets influence political choices. While opponents of Obamacare have not presented a unified pla...
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