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Teacher Expectations for the Disadvantaged

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment is my final paper in psychology what i need to do is to just rewrite the answers of the question from 1-18 as an E101 form of essay like for example question 1 is paragraph 1 question 2 is paragraph 2 and so on till the last question but also make sure that my answers are correct according to the text and cited them as well all from the given text

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dr Nicholas SicIliano
April 12
Teacher Expectations for the Disadvantaged
According to Rosenthal and Jacobson the central problem is the condition of poverty. It is believed that the children from poor families lag behind in school due to the fact that they are disadvantaged. When a child is from a poor family, they are bound to be disadvantaged when it comes to school work. At times, they may come to school hungry. This will subject them to lack of concentration when others are able to concentrate. Such children may also be subjected to a lot of work at home due to lack of house helps or machines for making work easier such that they do not get time to do revision or to do the homework given to them by the teachers.
The disadvantaged child includes the Negro American and the Mexican American. They are basically the children who live in poverty. They are regarded as lower class children. Those children experience difficulties in the education system because they are subjected to the same conditions as those that do not experience the difficulties of being disadvantaged. They bear the harsh conditions of schooling in education facilities led by mainly the middle class teachers. Since the disadvantaged children are the minority in the school setting, their needs mail fail to be met. This subjects them to difficulties because they feel discriminated. They are forced to put in more efforts in order to be at par with the others but most of the times they never achieve this goal.
The hypothesis for these children is that, the teachers’ expectation for those children is not met. This is because the teacher fails to put in to consideration the socio economic back ground of those children. For instance, the teacher may give home work to the learners and expect them to have completed by the following day. The children from the poor families may fail to complete the work following commitment to other chores at home due to lack of machines used in the homes of those that are not disadvantaged. For instance, those children may have to manually wash their clothes while the children from the well up families use washing machines. The disadvantaged children may therefore not get the time to do the home work. The teacher’s expectation will therefore not be met.
The plan involves administration of an intelligence test at the beginning of the year. The purpose of this intelligence test is to ascertain the intellectual level of the students when they are not subjected to the disadvantages associated with their socio economic status. In order to curb the suspicion that may arise, the learners are told that such is a project being done in conjunction with the Harvard University. Following the administration of the intelligence test, 20 percent of the students are diagnosed as potential academic spotters. This kind of test enables the teachers to identify the intellectual level of the learners without the influence of the hard conditions of their socio economic background. This enables the teachers to accurately consider the background of the learners in postulating their expectations from the learners.
There are two categories of expectations depending with the validity. An expectation is valid when it is unconditioned by past behavior. In order for an expectation to be valid, it should be based on observed behavior and not on the past behavior which may only be taught and not ascertainable. On basis of this view, it is crucial that teachers base their expectation of the children with the observed behavior and not the past behavior. An example of valid expectation is whereby, a teacher expects a child to perform well in an exam because they have performed as well in another test.
What they mean by ‘the problem of contamination’ is that, an experimenter cannot be hundred percent sure on the predictability of the experiment. There are ought to be exceptions or interference such that what is perceived to be the reality may not be the real truth. An experimenter is carrying out the experiments some alterations that may not be intentional can result to inaccurate observation. Top on the list is subjectivity which despite the efforts of experimenters to apply objectivity, it is always difficult to completely eliminate the elements of subjectivity. In order to correct for it, there should always be room in the mind of the experimenter to accommodate different results other than the observed.
The set up of the rat study was basically based on twelve psychology students and rats. The twelve psychology students were each given a rat. Six of the students were told that their rats were good in running after maze. The other six students were told that their rats were bred in such a way that they could not run as well as the other rats given to the other six students. They were taught to train their rats such that they can improve. The reaction of the six psychology students who were told that their rats could not run well was based on the expectation of the rats. This is because they did not expect them to run as well as the other rats.
The results of the rat study were that, the rats said to be bright were able to display good performance. The rats said to be dull were not even able to move away from the maze. The poor performance of the rats regarded as dull emanated from the expectations of the psychological students from the rats. Since, they did not expect them to perform well, they did not put much effort in them, and their performance was down. Jacobson and Rosenthal maintain that the observed results were due to the expectations of the psychology students.
The results of the questionnaire was that that, the students with the rats deemed to be bright realized that their rats put in their minds that their rats were better than the other rats deemed to be dull. Following this, the students with the rats deemed to be brighter put more efforts in them because they believed that they really could do better than the other rats. Rosenthal and Jacobson note that there were no dull and bright rats, rather this was instilled in the minds of the psychology students so as to influence their expectations. Jackson (97) notes the interrelationship of expectations to the results.
The set up plan that was used at the Oak school involved giving of a Flanagan test of general ability. It involved administration of standard intelligent test. This is a new and unfamiliar test to the teachers. The test involved two relatively independent sub tests. One was based on verbal ability while the other would test on the writing ability. The setting of the test in the test in this manner was crucial in the sense...
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