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Gender Roles

Essay Instructions:

The main Idea of the paper is gender, gender roles, and your personal perspective on gender. what is your overall perspective on gender from a professional, societal, and relationship standpoint. Do your race, social class, sexual orientation, religion, and any other social affect your perspective and experiences. you can talk about sexual attitudes based on if that necessary. The key here that know how you see and experience gender in 2015, and why. 

you can use this video to distinguish. 


At least three references. 

Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gender Roles
People who fall into the typical masculine and feminine gender roles experience less hate from others or self-hate. Even though, biological sex is binary and most people are overwhelmingly either male or female, people may have a different identity because of their brain wiring. At the same time, the sexual/ romantic orientation may be different with the gender as this relates to what one is attracted to (Vlogbrothers). Nonetheless, sex is not necessarily the end goal of relationship, while some people may exhibit different identities overtime. As such, there is a need for people to understand themselves and accept who they are. Gender socializations begin from an early age with parents playing a more prominent role.
Gendered roles and parents
Focusing on parental influence shows that gender roles are often the result of socialization, and the children then learn to identify with themselves depending on the surroundings mostly as either male or females (Zosuls, et al 827). However, it is not a clear at what stage boys and girls begin to diverge in their behaviors, but the environment shapes the individuals relationships based on gender expectations, and social institutions may place different expectations on the gendered roles. The experiences and behavior of a person also have a direct influence about their perceptions and gender stereotypes are reinforced by the school, peers and media. The family setting plays influences gender role development more than other factors during in the earlier years.
Gender and the workplace
In my experience the role of gender in the workplace depends on the work environment and reaction of co-workers to the male and female workers. One of the problems that seems is they way dressing affects people reaction, and although there is a need to dress formally female members are judged more harshly depending on their dressing. In other words, they are more likely to feel disrespected depending on how their dress. This often then affects their choices as they are more cautious to avoid disrespect. However, it depends on other people’s perceptions about each female worker, but the need to avoid making disrespect an issue (Lester 280). For professional women typically place a lot of emphasis on their mode of dressing compared to the men.
One typically has multiple roles, while work and family roles between males and females often shapes out perceptions about gender roles. Clearly social practices in the workplace and organizational discourses influence perceptions of what is seen as appropriate for both men and women (Lester 278). Professionally, the workplace has reinforced perceptions albeit unconsciously about gendered roles in the lower ranks and upper ranking levels. Workers in the middle working levels tend to work more often on projects, but the need to avoid confrontation is assumed to apply to women given the perception that women are naturally nurturing. The workplace environment has not changed my perceptions about gender role, as I understand that it is the gendered roles are based on expectations.
Gender roles and the society
Even though there is no agreement on whether gender roles area s a result of nature or nurture, both aspects seem to play a role. However, nurture shapes expectations given that different cultures have different perception on what are specific masculine and feminine roles (Knox & Schacht 23). Being born and bred in the west, I have noticed that immigrants from non western countries tend to have more defined gender roles more often this could be a result of the gender equality movement and feminist thoughts in the west, which have highlighted the disempowerment of women through patriarchal society. As such, my support for less gender specific role is based on my experiences, but I also understand that societal expectations often influence my choices.
In order to improve gender equity and eliminate marginalization then public polices as well as equality of opportunities play a significant role. There is no agreement on the role of government towards shaping perceptions, but policy adoption highlight on what needs to be implemented to attain equality for men and women. This scenario also plays out in the workplace and in organization where there...
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