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3 pages/≈825 words
Social Sciences
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Essay Instructions:
The writing is based on the movie "Temple Grandin" by Mick Jackson(2010). It should be approximately 600 words long, or two, typewritten, double-spaced pages focusing on the topic "Speak with a disabled person or a caregiver. What practical problems do they encounter in every day life? How effectively have their disabilities been accommodated by private and public institutions?" One-two research source must be cited in the essay to support our opinion but the source should not be from the movie itself. We may not cite Wikipedia as the source for their work.
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Disability is a condition in which an individual is unable to perform regular responsibilities as a result of mental unfitness or physical unfitness. There are other human conditions categorized under disability resonating with shortfall in cognitive, emotional, sensory, developmental or a combination of conditions. Disability covers on impairment, participation limitations and activity limitations. Disability is considered complex in nature with many challenges in tow involving the society features and the body features of the person in consideration. Disability maybe inborn or developed at a later stage.
The movie by Mick Jackson in the year twenty ten, ‘Temple Grandin’ reflects on disabled woman with autism. The woman overcame the shortfalls being experienced on the disability basis and went further to attaining a Doctorate of Philosophy Degree in animal husbandry. Grandin developed interests in animals while at her uncle and auntie’s ranch, where she encountered cattle. She had challenges in dealing with people and could not speak until the age of four years (Jackson Para 2). She faced problems at her schoolings although the mother and the teachers at school encouraged her to soldier on. Grandlin passed her education very well becoming a scientist; and is known for the ‘hug box’ development, a tool applied in stress relieving in children with autism. She is currently a professor in Colorado State University and recognized for animal handling as well as autism public speaking (Jackson Para 4).
Disabled persons encounter a number of challenges on the day to day basis resonating with stigma, minority status and gender. This is related to the social isolation, prejudice and overall discrimination. Considering communities where girls and women are neglected, disabled women find life very difficult; women fail to attend schools and health care. Research has indicated that the ratio of disabled women is higher than the ratio of disabled men in the society making the survival rates of the two groups uneven. Disabled people from different cultures, religious traditions, linguistic and minority populations are also neglected in the society (Locker 53).
Disabled people are considered as invisible population. There has been an increment in the number of disabled people in the global context; this means that the world is being sensitized on the impeding challenges and counter models of addressing disability challenges. The striking needs has raised the development of facilities to help people with disability address their challenges.
Disability at most times circles on isolation and poverty. It is true that most disabled people are not productive. This has led to family ...
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