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Leo Szilard

Essay Instructions:
The letters/memoranda listed below are fictitious; no such letters exist (well, maybe they do; I don't know). You will use your imagination to produce these fictitious letters--all of the letters, each and every one--as though they did exist. I want each letter to be half a page. (So it will be 2 letters on 1 page) What would the sender have to say to the addressee on or about the dates listed? 1. From James Byrnes to Leó Szilárd, May 29, 1945 2. From Dwight Eisenhower to Earl Warren, January 12, 1954 3. From Condoleezza Rice to Richard A. Clarke, January 26, 2001 4. From Henry Kissinger to Brent Scowcroft, October 11, 1973 5. From Herbert Hoover to Douglas MacArthur, July 29, 1932 6. From J. Edgar Hoover to James Hosty, November 23, 1963 You must include source citations for the letters you create(2 source for each letter). You may not cite "Wikipedia" as a source for any of the letters.
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Students Name
Students Number
8th June 2012
From; James Byrnes
29th May 1945.
Leo Szilard
How are you sir? Hope you are fine and doing well. We have not communicated for a couple of days due to the intensity of the Second World War. Now that the war has come to a close, President Truman has recognized your vital contributions in the Manhattan project that developed the atomic bomb. The president would like your input in developing a world free of nuclear arms. Kindly do a report to him similar to the Franck report outlining the imminent dangers of using nuclear weapons (Richard, 6). The whole world has learnt albeit too late that we ought to have followed your advice. That bomb had devastating effects which could have been controlled. In your report show clearly what ought to be done scientifically to nations that may not heed the advice of not using nuclear weapons in any conflict. As a recognized scientist, we know you will be equal to the task. When do you think this can be done? It should be quick since you have all the background information and expertise required. I understand there will be a body that will be founded very soon to unite all the nations. The body will ratify most of these policies and they will become applicable all over the world. Never again will the whole world go to war. That body to be known as United Nations will be a continuation of our late President Roosevelt`s policy of creating peace (Holmes, 7). Come up with that report so that enough consultations can be done in good time. It will be fine tuned for presentation in the formal meeting for all nations, which I understand, will be held between august and November this year. Thank you and keep in touch.
From; Dwight Eisenhower
To; Earl Warren
12th January, 1954.
How are you Chief Justice? Hope you are doing well. I know you are still settling down in your job and hope you are enjoying it. We need to serve these people knowing what America and the entire world has gone through. The effects of racial segregation have been seen. I experienced brothers being set upon each other and this is a trend we should curtail. The racial divide that is in American schools should end as a matter of urgency. We must lead from the front in confronting these injustices (Davies, 6). I would like your office to dispense with speed any cases of this nature. The purpose of this letter is to request for all the necessary suggestions you may have on creating enabling laws to confront racial injustices in our land. I would also like you to liaise with my trusted vice president Richard Nixon so that all these suggestions can be tabled in congress. When do you think that can be ready? It should be fast and conclusive. My predecessor laid down those plans and we must conclude them. As I stated in my inaugural address, human dignity must be respected. This can only be done by appreciating the virtue most admired by any free people; the love of truth. Your office has an immense role to play in restoring the truth known by all. This truth is that we are all from one creator and no race is superior to the other. This can only be done through elimination of any discriminative legislations and coming up with accommodative laws on the issue (Martin, 3). This will be one of my main cornerstones. I would like the American people to benefit from my experience in armed conflict. I have told them that the best solution to war is maintaining peace with your neighbor. This can only be possible if the wheels of justice are fast in restoring confidence in our systems. My office will give you all the support as you seek to restore this faith in our people. Thank you and kind regards.
From; Condoleezza Rice,
To; Richard A. Clarke,
26th January 2001.
How are you? I got your memo on Al Qaeda. I would like to assure you that the federal government is doing everything within its mandate to decimate the Al-Qaeda once and for all. The issue will be discussed by the Security Council due to the threat this group poses to the entire world. We must also appreciate the role the Bush administration has played in combating this terrorist group. There has been no formal policy on this threat before the 9/11 attacks and those claiming that we did nothing thereafter are missing the point (Simpson, 4). What the president requires now is a comprehensive framework from your end to combat this threat. The war on terror has never been fought with much intensity before. We want to be at the forefront in fighting this menace. First, we need a plan on how to get support from Pakistan. As you are aware, without the total support of this country we may never get Afghanistan. Let the policies we put down speak for us because any blame game between the former administration of Clinton and the current wont take us anywhere. In co...
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