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Social Sciences Essay: Labeling Theory and Deviance

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is based on the following article regarding the Labeling Theory:

https://journals-sagepub-com(dot)ezaccess(dot)libraries(dot)psu(dot)edu/doi/pdf/10.1177/0022427805280068 (Links to an external site.)

Though the background on this article and related research may set an important foundation, it is completely understandable to begin reading at Page 3 of the PDF file, under the subtitle: Criminal Labeling and Criminal Embeddedness. While the sources listing names of other researchers and their publication dates heavily populate these paragraphs, you should pay closer attention to the language that defines criminal labeling. Much of the writing deals with juveniles. There is a presentation of what is referred to as Subjective labeling, and also something referred to as Official labeling. Each have their impact on the individual. Pay attention to the differences in these labels and think in terms of maybe your own experience with someone you may have known in school or socially.

There is a definition of criminal networks in the section of criminal embeddedness. Notice how criminal networks is different than delinquent peers. (You may recall that the word Delinquent is often used in juvenile cases, in place of the word criminal that would be openly used for adults.)

You can stop reading near the middle of Page 6 of the PDF. The Hypotheses and Analysis and additional study that follows is beyond our scope as an introductory class. Some students who are deeply interested in research may enjoy this over view. However, the Summary beginning in the middle of Page 15 of the PDF may be more understandable to the general definition and factors involving Labeling. Start reading again at this point.

Notice some of the findings and conclusions about the possible effect of official labeling on a juvenile’s subsequent involvement in crime or in criminal networks. Notice also, on the next page, what the researchers conclude about this role and the acceptance of criminal values by the juvenile offender. Lastly, read about another crime theory that becomes involved in the learning and transmission of criminal values to the labeled juvenile. Though labeling is seen as a theory related to power of the “system” defining right and wrong behavior, we also learn what the relationship with deviant groups can provide to the marginalized individual. Make sure that you understand this: …deviant groups provide _________________ from stigma… . Also, in the concluding sentence of this academic journal article, the authors chose to use the word ‘pejorative.’ All that this means is negative. When you read and you come to the word, pejorative, take a breath and be impressed of the writer’s big words, and read it again substituting the word Negative in it’s place. That will help you to understand the summary even better.

Assignment: This brief case study assignment is similar to the final paper due at the end of this course. This should give you a little preview and introduction to researching criminal cases and defining an example of a crime theory to explain the crime and circumstances of the offender. For this assignment, you will use a Discussion Forum post to describe a unique and individual criminal case study. There are numerous examples and the most important starting point for this assignment is that students may not duplicate posts. In other words, everyone must select a different topic. Whoever posts first, reserves that topic. Anyone who posts after that will be responsible for reading the titles of the post to assure that they have selected a unique offender that no one else has selected. Some criminals have full-names and also nicknames. Ex. David Berkowitz is also the “Son of Sam.” If you select an offender who has a nickname, make sure that you’ve read the other student posts to assure you aren’t duplicating. Duplications will not receive credit for this assignment.

Your discussion post should be 150-200 words. A little extra is fine if necessary to complete the topic. To do this completely, you will certainly need the word count and you should plan to write your response in 2 paragraphs. You will also need a work cited section at the end that links to the source or the URL with the news story or resource you used to complete this.

Paragraph 1: Name and describe an actual criminal offender who would fit the definition of a Life Course offender or career criminal. Describe his or her early criminal or delinquent acts, followed by a summary or abstract of what major crime or secondary crime involved their rise to the status of Life Course Offender. Basically, describe in your own words who they were, what they did, how did they become a criminal that made them notable to be labeled a career criminal.

Paragraph 2: Describe the subjective labeling and the official labeling that was part of their rise to the Life Course offender status. What were the informal and formal social reactions to their first crime? What type of deviant group or criminal network did they become involved? Were they a member of a gang, sub-culture, crime crew, cult, organization, etc.? Do you or do you not agree that labeling had a role in this rise to career criminal status.

Work Cited: List the URLs that you consulted or referenced to complete this discussion post.

Please write your response in your own words and do not copy and paste. There is no need to reply to another person’s post.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Instructor’s name:
Labeling Theory and Deviance
The status offenses are such as underage drinking, running away from home. Therefore most of these offenses tend to be handled with social services. For instance, Alex was caught with underage drinking. Moreover, he used a false identity card (ID) to buy liquor from a licensed liquor shop. Therefore, he was issued a penalty of $230 by the court. All minors tend to be alleged with similar crimes as adults, comprising violent crimes such as battery, theft, or drug crimes. However, some illegal offenses such as “status" crimes tend to be grounded on the defendant's age since they could not be offenses if committed by an adult.
Significantly, the labeling concept comprises vital approac...
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