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French revolution

Essay Instructions:

Focusing on the images themselves, you are to write an essay addressing these related questions:

-- What kinds of symbolism are included in these images? What messages were the images meant to teach and convey? Moreover, in what ways did print material of the late-18th Century contribute to the causes of the French Revolution?

Suggested minimum length: 4 to 5 pages*

*Note: All writing assignments are to follow these guidelines to make length estimates: Imagine a sheet of letter-size (or A4) paper with double-spaced 12pt type and one-inch (or 3cm margins. Hopefully, this will help when I specify an approximate length for assignments.**

**Make sure to express your argument as clearly as possible. I use Turnitin to detect problems.

***Please DO NOT submit anything in "pages" format. Please convert all work to either docx or PDF format.

here is my requirement: use easy words, simple grammar

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name of the Student
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Course Title
Revolution in Print Media
In the 18th Centuries, lots of images were done and printed through highly sensed rates of magnification. It involved various kinds of publications that led to a whole show of imagery and further execution. The prints made during this era were not for everyone since those within the society considered to be in the social class, and such are the ones who could afford such images and prints. A perfect example of the social class is the well-heeled kinds of subscribers who could afford the mages that were highly detailed and therefore got detached from the events at hand. Some of those considered of the social class was Charles Monnet's likes, Jean Antoine. The French revolution takes to the ground that it had to participate a great deal in adopting and installing early technology. Indeed, the impacts of the same technology are effectively experienced up to date. French enjoys almost all the benefits that come with the new technology, and it has expanded its territories and its modes of production a great deal.
The images presented or somewhat produced during the French Revolution are of great importance and are symbolic in one way or another. Therefore, in that connection, the kinds of symbolism that are evident in this case are personification. The symbolic power that got bestowed o the Bastille will never be able to emerge out of nowhere, but instead, it must be having a root and origin (Andress & David, 234). Some great founders or individuals were keen and attentive to find out the best images and postures to take and snap an image of. The images and pictures used in the French Revolution were very much symbolic in that they had a specific meaning and better description that would easily make an individual or rather the future audience able to read, interpret, and understand the main concepts involved.
Secondly, the Kind of symbolism that is also evident in this case is mythical symbolism. There is an author by the name of Linquet who took the solemn chance and opportunity to describe the various kinds of images used in this case to express the mythical concepts and aspects of the French Revolutions. Through his creation of the myth connected to the Bastille, it acted as the primary embodiment of the various kinds of deposition that would have been reached about in the prerevolutionary period (Andress & David, 237). An instance Is the image of Simon Nicolas, which was capture by Henry Linguet, who from his picture, tends to depict the Kind of the region by then who was Louis XVI and the king was basically responsible or rather assigned the duty to free up the unjustly imprisoned people or victims, and this was to be performed above the caption of the same regime.
The symbolism that would be so evident in this period and from these images is simile concepts. In this case, the journalist or the author decides to close the pictures, stating different events and intentions and their eras' leadership periods. In this case, therefore, the audience will be so much ready and would also find it easy to approach the main pictures and encounter them by reflecting on the main events described them in the long run (Jones & Rhys 78). Further, the main kinds of symbolism presented in the French Revolutions imaging tend to explain the significant transitions that were made during that period and various changes that might have taken place as far as t...
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