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Racial Profiling: Institutional Structures Built on Racial Stereotypes

Essay Instructions:

I would like to use the annonated bibliography already done and expand on the racial profiling. Argue your viewpoint in a current (within the past two years) controversy concerning American identity in a rigorously researched 4-6 page essay. Choose one of the three course threads to focus on: gender, race or ethnicity. You could also choose a controversy in which these topics intersect with each other or with other aspects of American identity. As a persuasive piece, the essay should advocate that the audience do, think or believe something. Think about the examples of argument you have seen during the course: what do they ask, demand or beg of audiences? How do they use the major appeals like ethos, logos, pathos and kairos to build a persuasive case? How are they organized? Why should people care about this right now? Model those rhetorical techniques in your own work, adapting and abstracting them to your own argumentative purpose.

Your argument’s major claim and supporting ideas must be supported with a carefully considered balance of rhetorical appeals and evidence gleaned from research. Evidence, after all, functions as an appeal. You may use the research you did for your annotated bibliography assignment to support your claims. Do not drop those summaries into the persuasive essay. They weren't designed for your audience. If you find your argument needs more or different support, you may also include new sources. Remember that you are making an argument expressing your viewpoint by using evidence and refuting counterpoints, not merely summarizing.

Choose an educated audience that does not agree with you on the topic at hand. That means they should be undecided or hostile. For example, if arguing that social security benefits should be suspended for all women over the age of 65, you might choose a target audience like the Democratic National Convention where that position would be recieved with hostility. We encourage you to think about local venues where your argument could have real world impact such as a community association or the leadership of an institution you have a stake in. For example, if arguing that gender-neutral bathrooms should be featured in your school then possible audiences could include the local School Board or the local Parent Teacher Association.

Think carefully about all the available means of persuasion. What specific arguments and evidence will be most convincing to this audience? Will you need to refute ideas commonly held by the group? What emotional and ethical appeals will be effective in persuading your audience to consider (and hopefully accept) your claim? Are you part of this group, or an outsider? How can you organize your claims to lead the reader through a flowing logical sequence? When choosing where to put your thesis statement, sometimes when writing to a potentially hostile audience it is appropriate to withhold the claim until after the presentation of evidence to build support.

Imagine this is an article that could be published in an existing journal, magazine, newspaper, or on a website. Between the MLA heading and the essay title, briefly and specifically, describe the audience and the venue. Here is an example:

Example: “Daily Texan student, faculty, staff and alumni readers are generally aware of UT's top-six-percent rule automatic admissions rule. Many of these Daily Texan readers may have benefited from it when it was the top-seven-percent or top-ten-percent rule, so they probably will be hostile to my proposal to abolish it entirely.”

State a compelling thesis. Usually, such claims occur at the beginning of an academic essay. However, when writing to a potentially hostile audience sometimes it is appropriate to withhold the claim until after the presentation of evidence. The support for this thesis should come from your research.

You are required to use a minimum of six sources for this assignment. At least one of these should be an academic journal article. Carefully evaluate each source for its relevance and credibility--you aren't looking to pad the essay, but rather to support your claims.

Include a Works Cited list.

Include a descriptive title for your essay.

Length: 4-6 pages in length, typed, double-spaced (length not including Works Cited page)

MLA guidelines for format, headings, quotes, and citations.

Proofread carefully.

Essay must be on topic and answer the prompt.

Notice that the word evidence was used six times above. Six times. In bold print. That must mean it’s important. Here it is again: EVIDENCE.

As always, please see the syllabus plagiarism policy for how grading is impacted if plagiarism is found in an essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Racial Profiling: Institutional Structures Built on Racial Stereotypes
The summer of 2020 saw an unprecedented protest for racial justice since the Civil Rights Movement. While George Floyd's death triggered the protests in police hands, victims of police brutality on American roads against people of color, including Philando Castille, featured heavily. In 2016, after being pulled over by Jeronimo Yanez (an officer in St. Anthony Police Department), Castille was shot moments after informing the officer that he had a legal firearm. In the car were Castille’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, and her four years old daughter. While the media attention is focused on his death, a question that is often left unanswered within the mainstream media is why the police pulled him over in the first place. Between 2006 and 2012, the Stop-and-Frisk data reveals 2,046,241 stop-and-frisk incidences against African Americans in New York (Legewie).
In contrast, only 384,346 involved Non-Hispanic Whites. Despite that, African Americans form only 25.1% of New York’s population against a 44.6% Whites majority (Statista). As the Black Lives Matter Movement enters the bureaucratization stage, it provides an opportune moment for people to understand that racial profiling directly results from institutional structures and not a mere case of stereotypes.
The stereotype is a widely held, fixed, and oversimplified idea or image of a particular group of people. Throughout American history, stereotyping of African-Americans has resulted in beliefs that the group is unintelligent, violent, criminal in nature, and inherently lazy (Taylor, Guy-Walls, and Wilkerson). The stereotyping has permeated institutional and organizational decision-making processes that often rely on racial profiling, either consciously or unconsciously. As a result, the Black American community faces poor educational outcomes, reduced employment opportunities, dwindling socioeconomic status, and excessing policing on American highways and within areas of residence. Research suggests three mechanisms through which police profiling can manifest racial profiling: prejudice, cognitive bias and stereotyping, and race-based deployment (Chan).
There are several incidences in which scholars and media have focused on cognitive bias and stereotyping as key causative factors even from court arguments. For instance, Andreas Mogensen (2017) argued that racial profiling is a constraint in fair treatment often violated by statistical discrimination based on ascribed characteristics. Mogensen is a senior research fellow at the Global Priorities Institute and an Associate Professor at Oxford University (Mogensen). From a philosophical point of view, his views on racial profiling suggest that racial profiling is a result of 'ascribed characteristics,' which can be defined as stereotyping. Pretextual traffic stops result from President Nixon's drug policies, subsequent traffic laws, the ideal of law and order, and the fight against terrorism. Police officers are more than often guided by stereotypes against people of color (Jackson III). In justifying their decision to stop Mohamed Wa Baile in Switzerland, the police told the court that they noticed a ‘dark-skinned man’ who ‘turned his gaze away’ (Schilliger). Their need to pull over Wa Baile from many White drivers might have been a result of stereotyping where a person is considered suspicious because of their skin color. Again, we see the argument of stereotyping emerging as a key reason for the unjustified police stop and frisk.
Institutional Structures
In my view, racial stereotypes play a significant role in the racial profiling experienced by African Americans in the United States. As mentioned earlier, inherent views cause police to perceive people of color as potentially violent and criminals. These views have shaped how police perceive and handle traffic stops and frisk activities involving African Americans (Jackson III). However, taking this view on its own may result in a poor understanding of what racial profiling entails and its potential impact on societies. At its worst, the view may be used by government and organizational institutions to justify the excessive policing of black communities and to relegate the responsibility to individual officers instead of the current laws and policies under which the policing is guided.
When the arguments are based on stereotypes, victims tend to be blinded from the fact that government and organizational institutions are the key perpetrators of racial profiling through laws and policies based on stereotypes or only work to enhance current forms of stereotyping (Legewie). As a result, movements like Black Lives Matter are left to fight against individual officers accused of stereotyping instead of focusing on laws and policies that enable or further racial profiling. Schillinger argued that the so-called majority society, which holds power and control over legislation, policy, and policing, sees racial profiling as a necessary police measure to maintain law, order, and security. However, the one-dimensional concept of poli...
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