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Stars Use Social Media to Influence the World. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Why You’re Doing This:

You’re doing this to develop an understanding of how to provide information about a

concept or an object from your readers’ perspective

something you’ll likely need to do in future writing in

your discipline and profession.

What you’re Doing

Choose an important concept or object from your field of study (your major) and write an

extended definition of what it is, what it means, how it is used or how it functions, etc. You may gather


ion from library sources, the Internet, your own experience, and other people. This assignment will be

drafted, reviewed, and revised.

Your goal in this assignment is to provide your readers with information about the meaning of a single word, a

concept,or an object.You must consider what you readers already know, or think they know, about your topic.

Are there popular misconceptions that need to be corrected? Are someaspects of the topic seldom considered?

Have particular experienceshelped you understand the topic? You can use synonyms or formal

definitions in an extended definition, but you must convince readers to accept your particular understanding o

This is my own thinking: Star influence. I think social media just like a Carrier if you doing great on this it

Can continue the heat of stars and will have many fans to follow at that time if the star use something or

say something was really good then the fans will go buy it cause on them subconscious they will think it was good

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Stars Use Social Media to Influence the World
The internet has brought about various means of communication. One of these methods is social media. Social media has given users a chance to communicate using computers or other devices while eliminating the issues of space and time boundaries, hence connecting people across the globe. Over the years, social media has gained much popularity and is now deeply incorporated in the life of an average citizen (Smith and Anderson). Likewise, the number of stars or celebrities who use social media has also increased owing to the advantages brought about by the various social media platforms. Social media has offered a unique opportunity for stars to communicate directly to their fans (Labrecque, 134). Platforms like Instagram and Twitter enable fans to closely follow up with the activities carried out by their favorite celebrities and gain direct access to the entire world. An important aspect for stars use of social media is to build their personal brand and gain recognition. One means of building their brand is through the interpersonal relationships that they build with their fans across different social platforms (Labreque, 135). This interpersonal relationship is necessary since it helps the stars to continue being relevant on social media. Stars who are unable to maintain a relationship with their fans easily cease to become relevant.
The relationship between the stars and their fans can be regarded as parasocial interaction (Labreque, 135). Reason being, the nature of the relationship is often one-sided. Ordinary social interactions take place between people who are fully engaged and aware in the interaction. However, in the case of fans and public figures, the relationship is based on an illusionary experience whereby, the fans interact with a mediated representation of a public figure, rather than the individual themselves (Labrecque, 135). For the fan, the relationship feels real and meaningful, for the star, the relationship is purposefully meant for monetary gains and recognition. In most instances, the celebrity is unaware of the fan’s interactions whenever they post content online (Williams, 2). Nonetheless, the actions portrayed by the personas of the public figure on social media easily results in friendships (Krombholz, Merkl, and Weippl, 176). Whether a star is fully aware of the fans is irrelevant, all that matters is that the fans believe that the stars care about their opinions. By responding to the posts of their fans, the stars acknowledge their fan base, and this enables them to maintain and build their relationship with their followers. Social media can, therefore, be used by stars to build their fan base and gain more recognition by simply building an interpersonal relationship with their fans.
Stars who have built their fan base on social media are able to influence the opinions and habits of a significant number of individuals. This can be proven by the endorsements that celebrities get from companies to advertise their products. Public figures are known to promote events and products that they are involved in. By post...
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