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2 pages/≈550 words
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Culture of Alcohol Consumption in China

Essay Instructions:

Must include:

1. A link to a journal article, news article, photo, and/or video about this month's topic, "What is Alcohol," "China," and "Genetics and Alcohol", or "Russia".

2. A summary of what you learned from the article AND how it relates to a topic we covered that month. Your summary needs to be a minimum of five sentences.

3. reference

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First Name Last Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Culture of Alcohol Consumption in China Introduction The culture of drinking alcohol is becoming a cult culture in multiple progressing economies, which include China primarily. The Chinese households tend drinking alcoholic beverages on different occasions in order to celebrate. However, the research works in the past argued that the Chinese drinks alcohol as a part of routine lifestyle significantly. Considering the strengthening culture of alcohol consumption increasing among the Chinese households, it is important for understanding the key metrics that the practice holds for creating a distinction from other heritages. Hence, the core objective of this paper is to identify, discuss, and critically examine the alcohol culture prominently found in China. In order to accomplish the objective, this paper would examine the article findings of a peer-reviewed article followed by summary of learning acquired while performing a critical analysis of the selected testimonial. Discussion A research conducted by Nie et.al examined and provided credible insights related to the alcohol culture present in China. The authors explained that alcohol consumption practices among Chinese households have relevance with the Danish culture. Similar to Denmark, people in China tends drinking alcohol with family members, friends, and colleagues while sharing personal experiences or stories in life. The alcohol consumption in China indicates the relationship strength exchanged within the social culture. Besides, the participation of both genders, namely male and female, are proactive in numbers in context to drinking alcohol (2). Similar to tea and coffee in various countries, the authors indicated that the Chinese consider alcohol as a source of socialization. Frequent drinking with similar gro...
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