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Social Identity and Intersectionality

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper based on your social Identity ( Female/Hispanic/Colombia/Educated)

In your analysis A. provide a brief history of the group on which you want to write, drawing attention to some of the key events about which anyone claiming knowledge of this group should know. B. Provide empirical date about the size of the group and about its composition in the U.S.A. C. discuss your family history and your current sense of who you are a as person. D. identify a few of the heroes and heroines that members of the group most admire and explain why these are the heroes or heroines of your social group.

All sources need to be properly cited and a reference list should be included as part of the paper.

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Social Identity
According to statistics compiled by Pew Research Center on the American Community Survey conducted by the U.S Census Bureau, the number of Hispanics of Colombian origin living in the United States in 2017 was estimated at 1.2 million (Noe-Bustamante et al. 1). The Colombians involved in the statistical profile included those who identified themselves as Hispanics of Colombian origin. As such, the population includes immigrants from Colombia and those with ancestry in Colombia. The perception towards the population has changed, with females getting equal access to males, thus promoting gender equality. As an educated female Hispanic of Colombian origin, there are also various heroes and heroines that members of the group most admire, as shown in this discussion on my social identity.
A Brief History of the Group
Latin America includes countries and everything between South Mexico and North Mexico, and several Caribbean Islands (Coccioli 23). The area has a rich history, with colonialism leading to a regionally unique blend of European influences and traditional indigenous cultures. As such, anyone claiming knowledge of the Hispanics of Colombian origin should know this history, at least to some extent.
The history of indigenous Colombia runs deep. Despite the Spanish invasion wiping out some pockets, several of the traditional cultures are still surviving today. One of the commonly known tribes is the Tairona, which lives around Tayrona National Park (Gracia and Rangel-Buitrago 152). Anyone interested in the history of the tribe can also make an adventure visit to the ancient city that was constructed over 650 years before the Incas built by Machu Picchu. Although the city has been renamed, it carries the cultural history and heritage of the region.
Coffee exportation is also important in the history of the Hispanics of Colombian origin, as it helped in ushering Colombia into economic stability during the early 20th century, although several civil wars were witnessed in the following decades. Colombia’s countryside and cities were, however, ravaged by drug trade during the 1970s, leading to destruction and violence (Zarley 55). It was during this time that Pablo Escobar, one of the most deadly and richest criminals of all time, rose to fame as an international drug warlord. After his killing in 1993, violence reduced significantly, and the country has managed to crack the whip on the cocaine production and trade which ravaged its streets for so long. As such, anyone claiming to know the origin of the group should also know when and how Pablo Escobar rose to power, and the impact of his trade activities.
One would also easily note that Hispanics of Colombian origin are a welcoming community, and they invite people to explore secluded eco-adventures as well as modern cities in Colombia. Regardless of where one visits in the country, it is a must that one dances salsa and indulges in such tasty foods as tamales and arepas. This culture has also been exported to Latin America, and anyone who has interacted with the Hispanics of Colombian origin at least understands their welcoming nature, dancing salsa, and their tasty foods.
Empirical Date about the Size of the Group and Composition in the U.S.A
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