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Discuss the extreme social control depicted in the film "1984" based on George Orwell"s novel

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Discuss the extreme social control depicted in the film "1984" based on George Orwell"s novel with the same title. The film is available on Netflix.

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Extreme Social Control
Released in 1984, the story of Nineteen Eighty-Four revolves around Winston Smith (the central character) who struggles to keep his identity and sanity due to the suppressive regime he is living under, in the state of Oceania. Nineteen Eighty-Four was directed by Michael Radford and is based on a book of the same name by George Orwell. Through the science fiction lens, the film depicts one of the most disturbing images of extreme social control over human beings. The Oceania, where the movie is based, is shown as a totalitarian state where the ruling party exercises extreme practices to keep control over its citizens. And to achieve this, the party makes use of different techniques that help it undermine people’s individualism.
From the very start of the movie, it is shown that propaganda is one of the major tools used by the authorities to exploit the public in a variety of ways. This crushes their self-confidence, and they have no guts to stand up against the ruling party. All citizens are shown to be under surveillance all the time, so their activities are recorded, and this keeps them under immense pressure, giving them no space and liberty.
“Big Brother Is Watching You” is a message that is consistently instilled in people’s minds and appears onscreen many times. The party uses a common propaganda technique called
“doublethink” in the movie. It is also named as thought-crim...
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