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Natural Gas or Nuclear Fuel

Essay Instructions:

Please follow the detailed instructions I attached. This is for an Intro to Science of Technology class, so you don't need to write with too professional stuff in the essay. Just simply compare the pros and cons of choosing Natural Gas or Nuclear Fuel and write in the form of a dialogue with 6 exchanges between me and my friend. Although I said 4 sources, actually there's no requirement for number of sources. 4 is just a number that is suitable, but you can cite 3 or 5 or 6. Thanks.

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Name Tutor Course Date Natural Gas or Nuclear Fuel To modern life, electricity is a vital factor as it makes life more tolerable and convenient. As it powers our appliances, lighting and today vehicles. In general, the use of electricity is rising rapidly especially with the emergence of the new economies such as India, China and the now promising Africa (Sims, Rogner and Gregory 1318). What I view in this argument is that when critics are referring to nuclear power as dangerous and risky they are not basing the same on production terms but in terms of an accident in many cases, however to this point nuclear fuel is the best source and I consider it to be the future. Although my classmate disagrees, I still insist on nuclear energy as observed in the conversation below: Cr. “But what does the future hold for the energy sector?” “With all these sanctions and climate talks” Br. “the energy sector is the worst hit especially because of the environmental pollution and climate changes” “Oh! Not forgetting politics!” Cr. “true politics will impact the sector too, however I see most nation choosing natural gas to nuclear energy” “considering the fear that nuclear energy production brings along, I think natural gas is the future.” Br. “natural gas might be the alternative for the future, however it is not the best and I would go for nuclear fuel based on various factors.” Cr. “how so? How can it be better than natural gas and what factors are you considering I prove you wrong?” Br. “if we consider environment, cost, and reliability and efficiency then nuclear fuel is the recommended future fuel.” Cr. “ natural gas is cheaper to produce and use than nuclear,” Br. “that is an absurd statement as to when comparing operating a nuclear plant to natural gas manufacturing the latter is more expensive as it is even cheaper to install a nuclear plant than natural gas.” For example in the next 30 to 40 years, leveled cost of both existing gas plant and nuclear plant will be 5c/kWh and 3c/Kwh simultaneously for new plants it will be 7c/kWh and 9c/kWh and this means that closing a nuclear plant is not a good decision economically.” Cr. “okay you seem to have done your homework on that one, but on reliability the supply of natural gas is unlimited as one can go to more undiscovered areas for supply.” Br. “well, while this might be true there is the factor of during bad w...
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