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Analyzing Sociologically a Significant Event or Experience: Domestic Violence

Essay Instructions:

Paper assignment: analyzing sociologically a significant event or experience

We began this course by talking about sociology as a distinctive way of thinking. This

assignment asks you to analyze sociologically a significant event or experience in your life or in

the life of somebody you know well. (Since we discussed unemployment in some detail in class,

this event or experience should not involve unemployment.)

The purpose of the paper is not to describe the event or experience in detail; it is for you to

analyze it in sociological terms. The paper should be an analysis, not simply a personal

narrative. It should make specific reference to at least two key elements of sociological thinking

that we have discussed, and it should also make specific reference to ideas from the assigned

readings that can help make sociological sense of the event or experience.(The assigned readings are included in the attached files below, please make at least one reference to ideas from them)

Papers will be evaluated based on the aptness, insightfulness, and clarity of the sociological


This is not a research paper. No outside reading or research is required or expected; no

outside works should be cited. No formal bibliography is required; specific references to ideas

from the assigned readings can be made through parenthetical citations giving the author’s last

name and page number (e.g. De Swaan, 35).

The paper should be written in clear, grammatically correct English.

The paper should be 4-5 pages, double spaced (1000-1200 words).

Key elements of sociological thinking: (Choose at least 2 of them as reference)

1. Connecting biography and history, private troubles and public issues, personal

experience and large-scale social processes and structures : the “sociological

imagination” (Mills)

2. Specifying the social and cultural “forces” that constrain individuals – yet without

treating individuals as powerless “puppets” of such forces

– These “forces” are not like unchangeable forces

of nature; they are products of human action, and can and do change over time

– Sociology emphasizes both structural constraint and human agency, both reproduction

and change

3. Integrating the views from inside and outside, the views of participant and observer, the subjective and objective points of view

4. Focusing on interconnections and interdependencies, rather than single actions or isolated individuals (de Swaan)

– studying the structure of social ties or networks

– being alert to the unintended consequences of action

5. Identifying patterns and tendencies rather than unique situations or particular events.

– This is often done through comparisons between different times, places, and groups

6. De-familiarizing the familiar, the seemingly natural, the taken-for-granted; showing how

apparently natural arrangements are in fact socially constructed.

– Debunking or unmasking: looking behind the

facade, getting beneath the “official,” often self- serving or ideological, version of reality

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Topic: Domestic Violence
Student’s Name:
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Due Date:
In life situations, we face several problems that affect us in different ways. However, if we need to survive, first we need to understand what these problems entail so that to learn how to cope with them. Domestic violence is one of such difficulties we face in life. Domestic violence in families was seen in earlier societies, which gave the patriarch (father) of the family the right to utilize physical force to punish women and children of the family. By applying sensibilities which constitute the sociological imagination that include critical, cultural, and historical sensibilities, the society can start to comprehend the radical changes in how the society thinks we should behave towards each other particularly in the family unit based on acceptable social norms and societies expectations. I chose to analyze the topic of domestic violence because I experienced a case in which a nearby family was affected by such patriarchal attitude.
Domestic violence can be examined using the concept of Mills’ sociological imagination to enables us to understand biography and history and the connection between the two in the society. Mills’ concept of sociological imagination is the capacity to see the connection between biography and history and to shift point of views from the sociopolitical perspectives to the psychological perspectives. In other words, Mills demonstrates the connection between public issues and personal troubles by identifying a personal issue and relating it to the social structure (Mills 4). Domestic violence has been a private issue in the family for several years in the past and was never talked publicly in the society. Domestic violence was commonly considered in the past as a personal trouble, a private issue between couples. Only recently has domestic violence started to be seen as a public issue.
Domestic violence can be defined as a behavior that someone uses in a human relationship to control another person (Cornell and Hartmann 2). This is not only a personal issue but also a national and global problem. A UNICEF research study (2000) shows that 50% of female populations across the world have being victimized as a result of domestic violence. Just in U.S alone, four lives are claimed daily due to domestic violence.
Anybody can be victimized, be it of any sex, age, culture, marital status, religion, culture, sexual orientation, race, employment, or education (Cornell and Hartmann 10). Nevertheless, women are more likely to be victimized than men. Those who perpetrate such violence do not have ordinary manifestation since abuser can be a friendly and loving person towards his or her partner or family. Abusers typically have low self-esteem and becoming accountable of their actions is something they do not like to take. Abuse can be psychological, emotional, physical, and sexual. Typically, the abusers are individuals who like being in control of others. This is a kind of control, which is normally a behavior that is learned as a way of obtaining what they need.
In homes where domestic violence occurs, children typically end up being neglected or abused. These are settings where children learn behaviors of controlling, bullying, and abusing others because they see domestic violence as an ordinary, acceptable norm. I know a friend who grew up in a neighboring family where he used to see his father beating his mother often. The friend grew up having an attitude that such was an acceptable and typical behavior because that was what he used to seeing and was all what he knew. To prevent such a situation; it is vital to take such a child out that such a setting and to have him informed that violence is wrong. Domestic violence is not acceptable at all. One of the techniques, which can be adopted to address this p...
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