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Sex and Gender in the Media Research Assignemnt

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Sex and Gender in the Media
Media has got a big role to play in creating the societal social norms, this is because different forms media such as television, film and advertisements are ever present in current culture. However, it is important to note that the viewers are advertised to exercise restraints when viewing media content especially what is presented in the television. This is because sex and gender has been conspicuously present in the media(Collins 2).
This paper explores the role of sex and gender in the media.
Sex and Gender in the Media
Sex and gender has always been conspicuous in the media especially during the advertisements. A lot of pressure has been put mostly on women through advertisements, television and even in the social media to enable them appear being sexually active and attractive. There have been provocative images that present women as half or partly naked bodies and this is always highly prevalent in the advertisement and televisions and print media. Collins is of the opinion that women’s bodies have always been sexualized as compared to their male counter parts in the media, to enable attract the attention of the viewers and readers. It is important to note that, by sexualizing the bodies of women, this makes their bodies to appear like any other object like products that are bought and sold in the shops (42). Collinsfurther suggests women’s bodies are often being dismembered into breasts, legs and thighs which further make the sexuality of women more of object (58). In addition to that sex and gender in the media have eroded the cultures and norms of the society negatively. This is because even the under aged children have been involved into sexual activities at early age. This video clip /watch?v=M-3V...
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