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Research And Describe Gun Control Or Gun Rights In Texas

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions carefully before you start to write.

The essay needs 3 sources and they has to be Scholarly Research Articles. ( Remember)

I let you find the sources because it depends on what you write and you pick the appropriate sources. But if you can't find, text me soon I will find and send you early. You can use some outside sources but at least have to have 3 scholarly research articles.

What you will do is Step 3 in instruction. I pick out the issue already and that is Gun control and gun rights in Texas.

I attached a model paper in the order. You can take a look as preference.

Again, please read instruction carefully and if you are unclear in somewhere, let me know as soon as possible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Gun control or gun rights in Texas
Statement of current policy
The number of Americans owning guns in the United States is estimated to be 40 percent. According to research carried out after the shooting at an Orlando nightclub on June 12, 2016, it was found out that approximately 36 percent United States citizens possessed a gun or lived with individuals who did. Amazingly, regardless the high percentage of those owning guns in the US, gun ownership laws are not as stringent as one would expect. In Texas, for example, it is quite easy to own a gun. It is alleged that the laws governing gun possession in the State are amongst the less restricted in the US. This indicates that it is easy for someone to own a firearm in the State. The favorable gun rights in Texas have enabled citizens to acquire firearms provided they follow the legal procedure needed to acquire a permit.
Reasons to Initiate Change and Policy Options to be considered
To begin with, gun control laws are in place to regulate purchase, sale, possession and utilization of ammunition and firearms in Texas. The set rules and regulation stipulate that it is illegal for someone to own sawn-off shotguns, armor-piercing bullets, silencers, explosive weapons, zip guns and machine guns. Strict rules have been imposed on the above in which the people with the rights to own all of the aforementioned are law enforcing bodies. Essentially, the reason for this is to ensure law and order are maintained in the State and that there is no increased crime due to the availability of the firearms. Surprising though is the fact that once someone makes a purchase for a gun, it is their right to acquire it immediately. More to this provided a person has a permit; it is legal for them to move around with a firearm as long as it is concealed. This is aimed at ensuring people do not carry guns while showing everyone that they are in possession of one.
The United States’ Second Amendment is responsible for controlling all gun directives in each of its States (O'Shea 585). Texas is no exception. The Amendment says that at no given time should there be an infringement of people’s rights to keep and possess firearms, in particular for a Free State security (O'Shea 585). It goes further to explain that any State that violates people’s right to have firearms is invalid as it is considered to be unconstitutional. It is this regulation that Texas has followed to the letter to ensure that at no any given time any person who is eligible for gun possession is denied the freedom (O'Shea 585). Probably, this is the reason as to why one does not have to wait for any period to have a gun soon after they make a purchase. Texas believes that its citizens have the right to own guns for self-defense and protection of their loved ones as a whole. Many misinterpret the directives of the amendment to mean that everyone should have a gun.
Moreover, the gun rights put in place making anyone eligible except for few exemptions does not allow it to restrict purchasing of firearms. This is due to the notion that doing so restricts a person’s right to self-protection which as the State argues is a violation of those affected privileges (Hemenway 508). The other gun right enjoyed by Texas citizens is the freedom to reclaim firearms that were illegally confiscated. In addition, one can restore a license for concealed guns permit if it was revoked improperly. ...
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