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Renewable Energy Final Exam. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Based on the electricity and energy summits, outline a plan to move the US off of fossil fuels. You should include a timeline, budget, explain the geography of where and why each source will be used (map helpful but not required) and how you will convince the public this is needed.

Explain why technology should be focused on clean coal technology and better emissions not renewable energy.

Choose one energy source that you did not cover in the energy summit and write a sales pitch for its role in domestic use as the US moves off of fossil fuels.

Choose a renewable energy source or alternative to fossil fuels that was not covered in class and explain why it should be in future classes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Renewable Energy Final Exam
Renewable energy
The fossil fuels receive more subsidies than the renewable fuels these subsidies be eliminated to support growth in clean and efficient energy sources. The proposed plan is to choose energy resources from geothermal, hydro, nuclear, solar PV, solar thermal, wind offshore and wind onshore. The fossil fuels - coal, oil, and gas are still the main sources of energy in the world, but there is an increased recognition that there is a need to change the energy mix to reduce dependence on these fuels and mitigate against climate change. Introducing any restrictive legislation to ban diesel vehicles and limit power plants banning coal may be ineffective as this may appear as government overreach, at a time when the plans are still underway to integrate renewable energy. Maximizing the utilization of renewable energies to decarbonize the energy supply is the first step to encourage the use of renewable energy which will be the main sources of energy and nuclear energy for 10-20% of the is fossil fuel-free energy production.
Energy SourceBudge Setup Energy ProductionTimelineNuclear Plant$500 million2019-2023Wind Power
$5 billion2019-2021Hydroelectric
$500 million2019-2023Solar Power
$12.5 billion2019-2020
Nuclear energy is used more sparingly because of nuclear waste and the need to reduce the cost of operating nuclear plants. There are those who disagree on whether it is a renewable source of energy, but when properly maintained it provides energy sources. Proper management of nuclear tests should be prioritized and focus on reducing these wastes using new technology. The plants would be built inland in areas far away from people’s residences like in parts of the northwestern region that have low population densities.
Most wind farms in the US relocate onshore, but the offshore wind farms will also be explored to improve electricity generation the farms are mainly in the Pacific North West, Midwest, and southwest. The wind farms would be built in the east, which has few wind farms and especially along the coastal regions that are windy. Increasing U.S. wind-generated electricity will ensure there is a reliability electricity generation.
Building more dams will improve the hydroelectric capacity, and while expensive, it will serve the country for longer periods. A huge hydroelectric dam is costly, and community members may oppose and especially when there is a risk of environmental destruction, flooding, and estimates of costs outweighing the benefits. Besides the dams, there will be microgrid that serves small communities and can provid...
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