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Reflections on Disability Diversity

Essay Instructions:
Assignment # 4 – Individual Project – Reflections on Diversity – Worth 20% Objective: To research the impact that media has on diversity in Canada. Personal Reflection: Based on one of the modules that meant something to you on a personal level, write a reflective essay on how the media helps and hinders the module (topic) in the public eye. You should be able to speak about more than one type of media; television, internet, social media, magazines, radio, etc. (Pick 2 or 3). This is based on your personal opinion, and you do not need to include any references (MLA style). What I am looking for is your opinion, with examples to support it. Remember you are picking only one module (topic), based on all the modules we covered in this class. I chose this module, PLEASE refer to it and cover all the followings PLUS the above requirements: Module – Disability How does the media promote acceptance or intolerance within the public? What types of media are used? Examples are reporters who are seen on TV who have a disability, are there magazines that are dedicated to this issue, what about websites, etc. Marks will be given based on the following: - Double spaced – 12 point font, handed in on time - Personal opinion, examples to support both sides ( positive or negative) - One topic, 2 or 3 types of media
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Reflections on Disability Diversity
Disability resonates with inability to perform normal duties due to mental, cognitive, emotional, sensory, developmental, and physical or a combination of these factors resulting to unfitness. There are a number of terms used under the umbrella of disability (Prince 112). Disability is not inability. People with disability in the society have diverse talents. There have been discriminations against disabled persons in Canada due to impairments, participation limitations and limitation of activities. The fact that one has a physical defect does not mean that they are disabled; I know it is a huddle that faces all other people and can be overcome with the right attitude.
Media and disability in Canada has been a topic not well covered, considering the print materials ranging from newspapers, books and journals. That has been minimal materials on disability. An example of a print material that encourages the acceptance of disability in Canada confers with the Exhibition on Canadian disability history articles. This is a repetitive activity that is organized by the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM). The museum looks at the Canadian disability history and appreciates the current state of the disability awareness programs.
My personal view is that the Canadian government has been sensitive on disability. It has gone ahead and developed Canadian disability health news on Canada pension plan disability benefits. This is critical in motivating the disabled people in Canada. Life has to continue despite disability. The Canadian newspapers indicated that between the years two thousand and one to the year two thousand and six, the disability cases increased immensely in Canada (Prince 116). There was an addition of over twenty one percent indicating more than four million persons are affected. The increase of non disabled persons in Canada indicated a rise in over three percent. This indicates that the national disability level increased by two percent in Canada alone.
The increase in the disability is a major concern to the human population. The government of Canada has been committed in increasing the disability awareness. This is affected through the employer’s agencies that assist the employers on models to adapt the disabled persons.
There are organizations that provide print materials on disability in Canada. Neil Squire society has been involved in the inclusion of the disabled persons through provisions of the new technologies. This is critical in that the technologies enable disabled persons to participate in the community affairs. Disability network in Canada has been immensely involved in disability awareness. In my opinion, Disability diversity has not been fully exploited in Canada (Smith Para 4). There are a number of people and organizations in Canada that does not value people with disability, the print media should develop channels of addressing disability in Canada regularly. Majority of the print materials does not touch on issues concerning disability indicating intolerance to disability in the public eye. The only magazine representing the disabled persons in Canada is called ‘Abilities’. This has effectively served the disabled persons promoting public acceptance in the public eye.
I think, social media networks are present in Canada. The most common ones relates with Facebook, Twitter and Linkln. People with disability in Canada have produced profiles that enable constant communications with other people of the same disability (Prince 118), an example is the disability social network website that registers people with disability and in turn connects them with the social networks. This has enabled constant encouragements and developments in all parts of the world. Social networking websites enable disabled persons to share their experiences on their lives, opinions, estimations and solutions to challenging situat...
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