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Psy 7 Essay: Retaining and Remembering Information

Essay Instructions:

You are reading your textbook and studying for an upcoming exam in psychology. Identify and describe each step in the process required for remembering information from your textbook in order to do well on the exam. Discuss a strategy for improving memory and provide an example of how it could help you on the exam

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Retaining and Remembering Information
Any student can take advantage of the three types of memory to help remember information from the textbook in order to perform well in his exams. The types of memory include long-term memory, short-term memory, and sensory memory. According to Coon and Mitterer, steps involved in the process of memory include encoding, remembrance and retrieval (265). Encoding is the first step in which the student attends or studies the information in the textbook so that to transform the information into short-term memory. The second step entails rehearsing that assists to store the information and change the information into long-term memory. A learning aid can be useful to improve remembrance. If the student observes the two processes, then during the exam, he will be able to retrieve the information from long-term memory to respond to the questions appropriately. The third process involves retrieval, which concerns with accessing the information stored in the memory. The student can utilize chunking (breaking information into small units and grouping them into single units) that can be easily remembered so that to enhance memory while learning. The student can use chucking to classify long information into themes. The three steps are essential and th...
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