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Presidential Reaction Social Sciences Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Using powers from ArticleII in constitution. Either implied or expressed, students will react as president might. To solve a problem.

1.Create a reaction.

2. Use of Article II- ID specific or implied power

3. Andreas three area-what will you do?

4. How are u going to use the power

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March 16, 2019
Presidential Reaction
The powers of the President are one of the most crucial powers, not only in the United States, but also the whole world. This is because despite the checks and balances that characterize our government, the way how the president would use such power could have tremendous effects towards the nation. In Article II of our Constitution, one of the main powers of US President is his position as the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces. This includes the Army, Navy, and Air Force among others, which is indeed one the biggest organization of army in the whole world. In fact, the US Army’s importance transcends the borders of the nation. It has served as a deterrent against wars from breaking along different regions in the world, by setting up bases for their military a...
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