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Most Effective Level of Cooperation for Handling Global Challenges

Essay Instructions:

Below is the prompt:

STATES AND IOs. Patrick’s article suggests that mini-literalism is more effective and (therefore) more legitimate than the UN at solving global cooperation problems. For Barnett, in contrast, the role of the UN and the type of legitimacy the UN can confer cannot be ‘outsourced.’

Putting these authors in conversation, how would you identify the sources of disagreement?

With whom do you agree and why?


The 2 readings you need to address and focus are attached. Please answer the questions in the prompt logically and thoughtfully. This is a senior level class, so please do not be shallow, as deep as you can. Engage with the argument, not merely describing or summarizing argument. Organization: Thesis in introduction, end with conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Political Science Midterm
The reconstruction of most European countries post-World War II was the initiative of the United Nations-led talk to form the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and The World Bank. The institutions formed the basis for the reconstruction process and undertook various development programs under the United Nations leadership framework. The functions of the universal organization have since reduced or rather become tainted by various perceived failures to achieve the desired outcomes and thus jeopardizing its former ability to handle emerging issues at the global platform. Due to the organization’s inability to adapt to the shifting global demands, questions arise as to whether its time to pursue alternative measures of international cooperation and governance. Among the proposed alternatives are the mini-lateral affiliations among member nations of the Unformed to address the regional or interstate concerns found most pressing by such organizations. According to Patrick Stewart’s, “The New “New Multilateralism”: Mini-lateral Cooperation, but at What Cost?”, such mini-lateral coordination and cooperation are more effective in achieving the desired outcomes. Michael Barnett’s New World Order, on the other hand, remains adamant that it is the United Nations that is best suited for enhancing both regional and global cooperation on the social, political, and economic matters of the world as a whole. A comprehensive analysis of the arguments presented by Barnett and Patrick’s articles provides an excellent platform for creating an understanding of the most effective level of cooperation for handling the wide range of global challenges.
Multilateralism formed the basis for the establishment of a global organization mandated to oversee the maintenance of peace, and sustainable growth after both World War II and the Cold War. At the behest of the two historical events shaping today’s diverse political, social, and economic ideologies of different nations and regions around the world existed an organizational crisis for handling international matters. According to Barnett, the United Nations serves as the best platform for establishing and maintaining a liberal international order CITATION Bar97 \l 1033 (Barnett). The organization is most effective in executing the difficult task as it buffers the member nations from the effects of globalization through the advanced technology in the communication and information sector CITATION Bar97 \l 1033 (Barnett). It provides the checks and balances to the ensuing effects of interdependence owing to its historical contributions post-World War II. Additionally, its neutrality enables member states to air their grievances on political, social, or economic altercations upon which the central organization pressures the oppressing nation to comply with the statutory norms or code of conduct for the specific issue at ha...
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