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Positive Freedom, Critique of Libertarians, and the Voting Rights in the South

Essay Instructions:

Your answers will be graded on the extent to which you:

1) demonstrate comprehension of the concepts and issues addressed in the question;

2) provide evidence for your claims by making detailed reference to the assigned texts, ideally with a few short quotes.

Short-answer questions. Choose five (5) questions. Write about 100 words per question. Each question is worth 8 points.

These don’t need to be cited. Just answer in your own words. But if you do want to site then just use one per question. Attached are the readings from the class that will help you answer these questions and you can also use them for citing. Some of the questions have the page number at the end of the question where you can find the answers.

1. Summarize Berlin’s concept of “positive freedom” in your own words. How does this view of freedom relate to different views of the self?

2. Summarize Russell Kirk's critique of libertarians in your own words.

3. How are conservatives and socialists similar, according to Friedrich Hayek? Why does he object to them both?

4. Summarize William F. Buckley’s comments on voting rights in the South.

5. Michael Walzer says that “socialism-in-the-making” is “the only socialism we will ever know.” What’s his point?

6. Dean Spade writes, “Mutual aid is not charity.” Explain.

7. How is Fascism similar to nationalism, according to Gentile, and how is it different from nationalism?

Essay questions. Choose two (2) questions. Write no more than 300 words per question, and post your word count at the end of each of your answers. Each question is worth 50 points.

Each question chosen to answer needs two sources each.

1. Summarize Berlin’s discussion of “the retreat to the inner citadel” and its implications for “negative freedom.”

2. Summarize Rawls’s theory of justice in your own words. Mention as many of the following terms as you can: hypothetical situation, original position, veil of ignorance, difference principle, social lottery, natural lottery.

3. Choose two of the conservative authors examined in this course (Russell Kirk, Friedrich Hayek, William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater) and discuss their views on equality. What kinds of equality do they support, and what kinds of equality do they reject? How do they see the role of government in protecting or promoting equality?

4. Compare and contrast Lenin with either Luxemburg or Walzer on the relation between socialism and democracy. Does promoting socialism require anti-democratic methods? Or do socialism and democracy depend on each other? What specific reasons do they each give for their views?

5. Compare and contrast Goldman and Gentile on the relation between the state and human freedom. First, what do they each think human freedom requires? Second, do they think the state promotes freedom or undermines it? What specific reasons do they give for their views?

If you have any further questions. Please ask. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Title/Code
1. Summarize Berlin's concept of "positive freedom."
Berlin's concept of "positive freedom" is the idea that individuals can be free when they are self-determined and in control of their destinies. This view of freedom is distinct from "negative freedom," which is the notion that a person is unbound to the extent that they are free from external interference (Berlin 33-57). Positive freedom is about an individual taking deliberate action to achieve goals and shape their own life. This notion of freedom is related to varying ideas of the self because it emphasizes the importance of self-determination and autonomy. It recognizes that individuals can direct their own lives and make decisions that are in their best interests. It acknowledges the importance of having a sense of identity and purpose in life.
2. Summarize Russell Kirk's critique of libertarians
Russell Kirk's critique of libertarians is that they focus too heavily on individual liberty and do not consider the importance of interdependence, tradition, and morality (Kirk 203-209). He believes that libertarianism is ultimately a form of "radical egoism" and denies the significance of community, the requirement for people to work together for the great common significance of community, and the requirement for people to work together for shared goals. He also believes that libertarianism ignores life's moral and spiritual aspects and fails to recognize the importance of tradition and history. Furthermore, he warns that without an emphasis on moral order, individuals will become increasingly selfish, resulting in a society of unrestrained self-interest and chaos. Additionally, he believed that libertarianism would lead to a breakdown of social order and a rejection of the idea of community (Kirk 203-209). Lastly, he argued that without strong moral values, individual liberty could become a hindrance to human progress.
3. How are conservatives and socialists similar, according to Friedrich Hayek?
Concurring with Friedrich Hayek, traditionalists and communists are comparative in their belief that a central authority should be responsible for the direction of a nation's economy. Hayek, however, objects to both of these ideologies due to their reliance on a central authority. He believes this central authority would only be able to effectively manage the economy due to its lack of knowledge of the system's complexities. He argues that only a free market can accurately assess the needs of the public and direct resources to the most beneficial use (Story and Bruce 2008). Furthermore, Hayek believes that the free market should be open to competition and the entry of new firms to maintain a vibrant and efficient economy. In addition, Hayek argues that the free market should be allowed to adjust to changing conditions without direct intervention from the government. He maintains that this will ensure that the market can react quickly to changing conditions and remain resilient in times of crisis.
4. Summarize William F. Buckley’s comments on voting rights in the South.
William F. Buckley argued that voting rights should be extended to Southern African Americans, as they are an integral part of the American community and should be allowed to participate equally in the political process. He argued that it would be wrong to deny them the right to vote, as it denies them the right to self-determination, which he felt was essential to a functioning democracy (Spade 131-151). He also argued that the South should be allowed to control its own internal affairs and that the federal government should not intervene to dictate how the South should vote.
Additionally, Buckley believed that allowing African Americans the right to vote would benefit the entire nation, as it would bring about a more just society that recognizes the rights of all citizens. Additionally, Buckley believed that granting African Americans the right to vote would lead to a stronger economy and greater prosperity in the South, leading to a stronger nation overall (Mandle 2009). Additionally, Buckley believed that granting African Americans the right to vote would lead to a stronger economy and greater prosperity in the South, leading to a stronger nation overall.
5. Michael Walzer says that “socialism-in-the-making” is “the only socialism we will ever know.”
Walzer's point is that socialism is an ongoing process rather than a static set of beliefs or a static form of government. He believes that because of the complexities of modern society, socialism is always in a state of flux and development, and no single model will ever be completely realized or successful (Walzer 37-4...
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