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Political Framework of the United States

Essay Instructions:

1. Evaluate the Statements, write your essay by following the Sequence of Statements in statemnets, and You can agree with all, some, or none of the statements.

2. Carefully Check the #Topics related to the Analytic Essay#, and there are 6 !Topics! that you have to !combine! and write in your Analytic Essay.

3. Mainly use your own Knowledge about American Politic to write the Analytic Essay!

4. !!!Do not!!! use any other resource in your Analytic Essay.

5. Each topic has their own Lecture or Note, so please !!!tell!!! me if you are confusing about any topics, and I will send you the note or lecture.

6. If you want to quote from the Professor's Lecture, some form of citation is necessary. (Citations do not need tobe formal; just provide enough information to allow the reader to look up the source material).

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Political Analytic Essay
The theme of the course is the political framework of the United States. Questions revolve around the democracy of America and whether the people today experience the positive impacts of the governance structure. Debates about the relevance of the constitution in the 21st century have been increasing as many citizens feel it was detailed to best meet the needs of the 18th century. The provisions of the political setting as supported by the constitution and other structures have raised multiple concerns. A section of the public has developed rebellion against the constitution and its ability to serve the people's best interest in the contemporary world. 
A revolutionary experience helps people determine the weaknesses of the political structures. The experience shows how these issues can be eliminated and establish radically different social and political order. In these cases, resistance is often an issue to the state. There is a lack of such experience, and people fail to acknowledge the weakness in their structure and are not focused on finding ways to reform or adjust the system. The lack of revolutionary experience is feared to be the major issue with the United States. The governance and other leadership elements fail to acknowledge the weaknesses in the system. As a result, they do not appreciate the need for reforms in the constitution and other governance structures. 
The Constitution 
One of the key issues was the fact that the national government lacked the authority to impose taxes. The confederation article allowed only the state governments to levy taxes, and it had to ask for funds from the states to pay for the expenditures. The deliberations following the constitutional convention wad that the Articles of Confederation be reviewed to make adjustments to the pressing issues of the time. The Madisonian theory of government initiated a structure where the government was separated into three branches. There is the executive, the legislature, and the judicial. Madison proposed the structure to allow each brand's power and influence to be balanced by the other. 
The format of the American democracy is an imperative factor to review. The United States has evolved to accountable parties that are more characteristics of the parliamentary egalitarianisms. These parties are unified and reflexively oppose guidelines that are championed by the opposition. The American system of governance has recently been compared to the parliamentary system. It is characterized by the political parties that work with strict principles than the people are used to. Although other democracies may function in the best ways, the United States lacks a structure of parliamentary democracy (Fiorina, n.p). The US has checks and balances and powers distributed across the president, representatives, and senators elected in independent statuses. The system thrives with prohibition points that allow the organized interests and intense sections to block action. Accepting the argument implies that the official structure should reduce the number of veto points and instill common drive on elected representatives. 
The United States constitution is accorded much significance, and it may take a strong bill and arguments to successfully initiate an amendment. The various amendments to the constitution have been successful through various arguments and justification to inform Congress of the changes' need. Everyone in the country adopts the constitution since it is presented to the public by the founding fathers. Arguments on the adaptability claim that the country's founding fathers were aware of the important needs of the people and ensured every interest of the people is acknowledged and represented in the document. 
Public Opinion
Political knowledge is intended to be easily accessible and available to the public. However, much of the political concepts are limited, and many people fail to access and appreciate the political insights. Political knowledge matters a lot to the public. It informs the public on the structure of governance and how the system operates. The political knowledge informs the people about their political rights and how they can make the best decisions related to politics. The governance and power in the country are founded on political grounds. Knowledge of the political concepts informs people on the best candidates they can elect for the different positions in the governance structure to represent the people's best interests. 
Americans are poorly informed about politics. The problem is mostly attributed to arrogance from the people. Many people tend to be ignorant about the different aspects of the government and public policy. Although there are many years of federal government fiscal issues, voters tend to underestimate federal spending. In other cases, Americans tend to reside in regions where political knowledge is inaccessible. The political representatives in such regions do not offer the public access to information that can enlighten them on the political issues. Information shortcuts can be used to access information that is literary limited to the public. Today, people have the opportunity to access the internet through online platforms that complement traditional media. The information can be accessed to enlighten people on the developments in their political structures and governance. 
Surveys depend on the target population and their willingness to give information about a particular topic. Adequate surveys need to be conducted transparently, and the target informed about the use of the information being collected. The participants should also be volunteers willing to participate in the process and ready to...
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