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Broken Windows Theory and Crime Prevention in a Community

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is based on the following article, Broken Windows.

Please read the attached article link,


The short essay assignment asks you to describe a community that you are familiar with and describe, compare, and contrast areas of order with areas of disorder. A familiar basis for many students may be the differences experienced in parts of their home community, with parts of their Penn State campus/community experience.

Provide specific examples using the comparisons of criminals versus disorderly individuals noted in the article. Define the specific example from the article that gives the title, Broken Windows.

In the second portion of your short essay, describe what was (in your view) the broken window in the disorderly part of the community that you described above. You may include the response to this question in your initial description, comparison and contrast. Opposite of that example, what do you see of believe is the reason the non-disorderly community has so few “broken windows?”

Finally, in one or two sentences, explain whether you believe this theory is still valid for community crime prevention, or if you think the premise can lead to disparity and unequal enforcement of certain laws. Have you ever had an experience with a police officer who you now understand was practicing the Broken Windows theory of crime prevention?

Upload your response in a PDF, or WORD Docx file format only. Your response must include a work cited section at the end of the short essay to receive full credit. Please limit your response to 300-500 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Instructor's Name
Broken Windows
Many students who join the Penn State community experience a change in culture while interacting with others. Students from all walks of life go to study at It campus, making them a part of the larger Penn State community. Thus, individuals interact as they exchange ideas and opinions concerning life and other crucial issues during discussions. In its community, areas of order exist, such as the annual security and fire report that seeks to maintain peace and avoid damages and injuries. However, rowdy individuals, drunkards, and many other disorderly individuals looking to cause a neighborhood disturbance also exist.
What is most surprising is the fact that alcohol and other substances are available, enabling these individuals to cause more disturbance in such an environment (Kelling and James). In both of these extreme cases, students are the main perpetrators. Areas of order aim at maintaining the safety of both individuals and school property. Besides, these areas seek to create a conducive environment for both studies and self-development in mental health. It is quite the opposite for disorderly areas since they often create chaos, damages, and loss of lives and property. From the article, criminals would mug people and commit other violent crimes in disorderly neighborhoods. On the other hand, rowdy teenagers would make a noise-causing disturbance. The harmless displays of graffiti in subways demonstrate the presence of disorder, which is likely to contain crime; an example that gives the article its title.
In my opinion, the broken window in the Penn State community's disorderly part i...
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