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Writing 2111 Assignment #2: Persuasive Essay with Visual Background

Essay Instructions:

Writing 2111 Assignment #2: Persuasive Essay with Visual


Sarah Noble, a fourth-year science student at Western University, has contacted you (one of her co-op peers) in the hopes of recruiting your help for the London Health Science Centre’s “Just Clean Your Hands” program. She voices her frustration about the scope of her task. “I have to address so many different audience types, and I can’t do it with a single message,” she says. “I think I’ve already got the doctors and nurses covered, but LHSC will need someone to address other hospital workers.” Sarah smiles at you. “I know that you’re a great professional communicator; could you write a persuasive message that targets Student Nurses and Volunteers in an attempt to increase their hand-washing compliance rates? Some of them still do not take hand-washing seriously enough (particularly when it comes to Moments 1 and 4). Maybe you could design a poster too – we could put that up in the LHSC halls.”


Using the information and exhibits from the “Just Clean Your Hands” case study, write a 900-word essay (MLA format) which persuades Student Nurses and Volunteers to increase their rate of hand-washing compliance. You must also include a 75-word memo of transmittal to Sarah Noble, telling her what you are sending her. Presumably, she will shape your essay into a pamphlet that will be included in welcome packages for new workers.

You will be graded on style, grammar, clarity, organization, and concision, but also on the persuasiveness of your argument. Consequently, you should consider these questions: which points from the case will be most convincing and most relevant to your target audience? How will you catch your audience’s attention? How will you structure your body paragraphs for logic, coherence, and readability? What tone should you adopt? How will you appeal to ethos, pathos, and/or logos? Which of the three should you emphasize?

You must also create two visuals to accompany your essay:

• Visual 1: Design a small promotional poster for the “Just Clean Your Hands” program. Your poster should include a memorable balance of text and image, adhering to the principles of good document design discussed in lecture. If you use any images that are not yours, you must provide the source under your poster.

• Visual 2: Using the info from the case study (or your own relevant research), create a graph which dynamically and memorably illustrates one of your main points. You must effectively integrate it into the body of your essay.

Resources: Locker/Findlay Chapters 4 & 9, lecture slides

Primary Audience: Student Nurses and Volunteers at LHSC

Assignment Format: essay (MLA format) with two visuals (graph and small promo poster) and memo of transmittal

Word Count: 900 (no less than 750, no more than 1000)

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you use ANY material from the case (or other sources), you MUST cite it properly: all direct quotations MUST be in quotation marks, followed by a citation; paraphrased passages must include a clear reference to the source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Persuasive Message
The rate of compliance to hand-washing has been of great concern as several factors inhibit its achievement. The rate of non-compliance to the procedures of observing personal hygiene at health centers has improved the transfer of micro-organisms causing diseases.
Moreover, the “Just Clean Your Hands” program at the London Health Science Centre’s (LHSC) which Sarah Noble participated proves that hand-hygiene compliance rates were not meeting the goals set by the long-term Care and Province’s Ministry of Health. However, since the launch of the program, the rate of compliance has been increasing in the hospitals reducing the transfer of infections. Hence, in this work, I support that ineffective hand-cleaning is the primary concern affecting the overall compliance with personal hygiene.
The ineffective cleaning of hands was observed to be contributed by workload challenges. Generally, the hospitals were understaffed, which placed a lot of work burden on the available employees. Therefore, most workers did not have enough time to clean their hands properly, which led to an improved transfer of infections. Moreover, the measures set aside for ensuring proper cleaning of hands are tiresome as it involves washing hands several times a day. As a result, several people were discouraged from following such measures which led to poor hygiene.
Further, the locations of hand-washing facilities may discourage people from observing proper hygiene. If alcohol rub dispensers and sinks are located in places that hinder their access by other persons, then this may affect the rate of observing personal hygiene. Additionally, the staff members were observed to be afraid of confrontation by other coworkers in case they report them for not observing the measures for hand-cleaning. Moreover, religious beliefs prevented some people from washing their hands with items that they consider to be against their traditions. Finally, the already established organization’s behavior which had been adopted by support staff and medical practitioners may be difficult to change. As a result, activities which are considered improper for personal hygiene may remain unchanged in the institution for a long time leading to poor hygiene.
Contrarily, some arguments that do not support that ineffective hand-cleaning is the primary contributor to poor personal hygiene and the transfer of infections in hospitals. One of the arguments is that the ratio of facilities available for washing hands to the number of employees is low. As a result, some staff members and medical professionals who are willing to observe proper personal hygiene may not achieve the objective because of less hand-washing facilities available at the institutions (Munir et al. 271). However, I refute the idea since the responsibility of observing perso...
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