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Pre-Electricity Method Of Communication Writing System Digital Era

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Writing System
Digital era has mad communication so easy and affordable that it is almost impossible to fathom how people in the ancient times used to communicate. However, one thing we all know is that communication has not begun with us. Essential to our society communication revolution has never stopped and everyday new technology is advancing in this sector. People in ancient times, that is before electricity had various forms of communication. They appreciated the fact that good communication is indeed the major secret to civilization and thus they made tireless efforts to improve communication abilities. All these methods could be used differently with the sole purpose of passing a message of interest to this essay is the writing method. This study chose writing because the method is still in use today just more advanced than it was in ancient times.
Writing system was one of the tools developed for communication by the ancient people. They used it to record as well as share information among them during the era. It is believed that the cuneiform was the first form in the fourth century BCE then the Egyptians had hieroglyphics also known as drawn symbols (Daniels 44). The Maya community are known to have followed this system later becoming the only society in Central America to have developed writing method.
In the beginning, the system used symbols to mean words and sounds, where each syllable had a representing image, combining these syllables formed words. The combination of sounds and these images were the major step of developing writing. The process evolved as the using images to represent syllables was tiring and involved a lot of memorizing other cultures came up with simpler systems such as the use of the alphabet, where characters represented speec...
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