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The Perspective of The Functionalist Theory and The Critical Race Theory

Essay Instructions:

Sociologists adopt theoretical perspectives and apply them to interpretations of data gathered about society. Among the many theories in sociology, five we discussed in class were Functionalist, Marxist, Feminist, Critical Race and Post-Colonial, which can be very briefly
summarized as follows:
Functionalist theory focuses on the ways in which elements of society operate together in order to ensure social stability:
Marxist theory examines inequalities of wealth, power and status within capitalist societies and how they generate conflict; Feminist theory concentrates on gender inequality and the injustices it propagates; Critical Race theorv probes racial inequities that exist within society and the harm they produce:
Post-Colonial theory excavates the long-term social, political and economic implications of colonialism upon former colonies.
The Assignment
In an essay, you will apply any two of these theories to analyses of four subjects from the list provided here. In other words, you are to explain
what we learn about any four of the following subjects when we apply any two of the theories listed above.
Choose any four of the following:
Public Transportation
Online Dating
Military Service
Organic Food
American Football
Sex Work
For example, you could start by writing about what we learn about migration by examining it from the Feminist perspective and the Functionalist perspective. Then write about what we learn about American football from the Feminist perspective and the Functionalist perspective. Third, you could write about what we learn about online dating from the Feminist perspective and the Functionalist perspective. Finally, you could write about what we learn about military service from the Feminist perspective and the Functionalist perspective.

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The functionalist theory is based on the premise that all aspects of a society serve a purpose. It goes further to state that for the long-term existence of civilization, these aspects, such as roles and norms, are indispensable. Therefore, from the functionalist perspective, migration is generally viewed as a positive phenomenon that contributes to efficiency, flourishing and, ultimately, more prominent correspondence in origin and objective social orders through bidirectional progressions of assets like cash, products and information (San et al. 75). The functionalist viewpoint sees civilization as a perplexing outline whose fragments collaborate to advance resilience and steadiness. This methodology takes a glimpse at civilization through a full-scale level direction and comprehensively centers on the communal constructions that significantly mold civilization in general.
They decipher migration as a streamlining methodology, in which people use relocation to get to higher and safer kinds of revenue and other vocation potential livelihoods. The functionalist perspective to migration is that the motivation to migrate is triggered by the expectation of finding better opportunities at the destination. Finally, given that migration incorporates social and geographical differences, functionalists view migration as an aspect that is constrained to family, community and cultural structures. The reason behind this point is that the indispensable norms that will advance society's survival are considered. They help individuals decide the social, financial, and human resources that individuals can deploy to move.
The critical race theory probes racial inequalities within society and their impact. Migration, which is the movement to a different country, is sometimes influenced by how individuals are treated in that country's racial status. Critical race theory is a cross-disciplinary educational and social enlargement of social authorizations academics and advocates who strain to scrutinize the conjunction of race and regulation in the US and provoke standard American liberal ways to deal with ethnic justice. The perspective towards migration concerning the critical theory is that migration is an ordinary experience for most people of color. They migrate to find better environments where they are not discriminated against or treated unfairly (San et al. 75). According to the critical race theory, the idea of avoiding negative attitude and settling in places where they are accepted is the motive of migration. Even though the theory strives to examine the intersection of race and law, nothing can be done if individuals' perspectives towards others are not changed.
The perspective of the critical race theory towards migration is that analytical distinctions between race and ethnicity trigger migration. Individuals migrate because their cultures do not to the current places. To some extent, they are likely to feel like the odd ones out, which resolve to migrate. The other perspective towards migration is that it is necessitated by the fact that minority groups periodically undergo "differential racialization." For instance, in a community, most social gatherings are meant for specific groups of people, which eliminate other groups from participating. This necessitates the need to interact with their people leading to migration. Finally, the critical race theory's perspective on migration is that Inter-sectionalism triggers migration. The notion that no individual can be identified adequately by membership in a single group is the basis of Inter-sectionalism. This contributes to migration because it incorporates acknowledging that people have unique experiences of discrimination.
American Football
American football is a sport, and in relation to the functionalist theory, this Sport plays an imperative role in ensuring social stability is enhanced. With reference to American football, the functionalist theory interprets each piece of civilization as far as how it contributes to the stability of society. Each piece of society is helpful for the stability of the entire civilization. Given that society is viewed as a system of interrelated parts by the functionalist theory, this could be linked to American football because every individual involved in the Sport works towards a common goal. In this context, the interrelated parts of the team (society) are the players. The functionalist perspective of American football is that it helps maintain social order. This perspective is linked to how this Sport will make individuals come together and work as a team. American football promotes sharing common goals, socializing, and expanding individuals' social networks.
The functionalist perspective to American football promotes the development and growth of organized sports. Coordinated sports support might help improve actual abilities, for example, dexterity, practical development abilities and general fundamental abilities. It also may have positive social advantages, prompting prominent social character and social change. According to the perspectives of functionalism, increased participation is that it fosters individual development. By focusing on football, individuals are likely to avoid bad habits and, in the process, focus on the most imperative aspects of their lives (Hylton). The functionalist argument is typically embraced by the individuals who support and participate in sports. As a social organization, Sport is supported by numerous other social foundations. In relation to this, it is i...
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