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Jihad and McWorld: Preeminence Over One Another

Essay Instructions:

In 1500 words answer one of the following prompts:
In the nearly 30 years since Barber wrote "Jihad vs. McWorld," what of his analysis has proven correct? Have either Jihad or McWorld gained preeminence over the other?
Rothkopf claims that Cultural "Globalization is a vital step toward both a more stable world and better lives for the people in it." Is he correct? Explain.
There are two options here, but I prefer the first one.You need to read this literature and material, and then you can read my previous article. Write it again based on this

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Jihad and McWorld
The paper critically analyzes two topics in relation to Barber's article "Jihad vs. McWorld. The first concept focuses on providing evidence supporting the correctness of the analysis provided. The second concept is analyzing whether Jihad or McWorld has preeminence over one another.
Analysis that has Proven Correct
Most of the analysis performed by Barber has proven to be true, and one of them is a retribalization of huge swaths of civilization by conflict and massacre. This is a threatened lebanonization of national states because individuals, cultures, and tribes will be against each other. Therefore, in relation to the current events happening in Ukraine, it is imperative to note that this analysis has proven to be true because the people who once shared the same sovereignty are now at war, and the casualties are likely to be huge. The second is the surge of pecuniary and environmental forces that mandate amalgamation and standardization, enthralling the universe with fast food, music, and computers. According to Barber, these aspects press countries into one commercially standardized comprehensive system. This has also proven correct because the world has revolved, and everything happens fast (Barber).
In relation to the analysis that has proven correct, Barber analyzes four imperatives that make up the dynamic world, and to some extent, and they have all proven to be true. One of them is the market imperative. Communist and capitalist hypotheses of dominion supposed that the mission for steadily extending souks would in time constrain country-based industrialist frugalities to shove against public limits in pursuit of a global financial imperium (Barber). Whatever else has transpired to the scientific expectations of communism, in this space, they have demonstrated farsightedness. All public parsimonies are currently exposed to advances of bigger, transnational business sectors. The interchange is free, pecuniary forms are exchangeable, admittance to banking is open, and agreements are enforceable under regulation. This analysis is true because such markets exist and erode domestic independence and give rise to entities like international banks in Europe, Asia, and several other parts of the world.
The other analysis that has proven correct is that the market imperative has additionally built up the excursion for global harmony and stability, requirements of a productive worldwide economy. Markets are foes of parochialism, detachment, peevishness, war. Marketplace psychology lessens the sensibility of philosophical and devout cleavages and expects an accord among producers and buyers. The analysis is correct because, with regards to common business sectors, global regulation stops being a vision of equity and turns into a workaday structure for accomplishing things like upholding contracts, guaranteeing that states maintain bargains, and directing exchange and money relations. Nowadays, Common business sectors request a typical language and typical money, and they produce normal practices of the sort bred by cosmopolitan city life all over the place.
The arguments under the resource imperative have also proven to be true. Barber states that democrats once longed for social orders whose political independence laid immovably on financial freedom. He even incorporates information about Athenians who idealized creating a simple way of life where they are genuinely self-sufficient without depending on anyone (Barber). This was their definition of being free, but the fact that we are all bound together by mutual insufficiency, even the Athenian independence and autarky was not achieved. This analysis has also proven correct because it has been hard for Americans to acknowledge the certainty of interdependence considering this past. However, the rapid exhaustion of resources even in a nation like America, where they once appeared to be unlimited, made individuals realize that even though some countries almost need nothing, there is always an aspect they are lacking, and they have to acquire it from a different nation. Nowadays, this is a normal transaction whereby countries exchange oil for other minerals or products.
The other arguments that have proven correct are linked to the information technology imperative. Barber claims that scientific advancement typifies and relies upon open correspondence, a typical discourse established in reasonableness, coordinated effort, and a simple and customary stream and data trade (Barber). Such beliefs can be fraudulent concealments for power-mongering by elites, and they might be demonstrated to be needed in numerous alternate ways. Yet, the general thought of science involves them, and they make science and useful globalization partners. The argument has proven correct because business and banking depend on the flow of information and are facilitated by innovative correspondence encroachments. The new-fangled innovation's software is maybe significantly more globalizing than its hardware. The data arm of global trade's rambling body connects and contacts particular countries and parochial societies. However, there isn't anything that looks particularly fair in this super-advan...
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