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Disputing Descartes's Worry That One Might Be Deceived about the World by an Evil Genius

Essay Instructions:

(i) The point of this assignment is for you to choose a position and justify your choice--you should not "sit on the fence." That means that you have to give reasons to support your view, and you have to try to anticipate how a critic would object to the position that you take and how you would respond to such criticism (which means giving more reasons). The assigned readings are often likely to be important here, so do not ignore them.(ii) Stick to the topic. Your essay should begin with a short introductory paragraph, which explains briefly and clearly what you intend to say and how you intend to support it. 'Briefly' means briefly. You do not need a whole page to do this. Avoid windy introductions. Limit your opening remarks to a few clear and succinct sentences which say what position you intend to take and how you intend to justify it. --No grand (and unsupported) generalizations about the history of thought, or humanity's "quest for knowledge" or "today's society" etc., please! Clarity, precision and conciseness are virtues here.(iii) Remember to explain the question! (iv) Read Vaughan and McIntosh, Writing Philosophy, Chapters 3-5. These chapters provide some useful tips for writing an argumentative essay. For help with grammar, punctuation, style and documentation, seeWritingPhilosophy, Chapters 7-9 and Appendix B.(v) Since your task is to present and justify your position, you should avoid secondary sources. I am interested in what you have to say about these topics, not what someone else thinks. If you have questions about terminology etc., you may consult the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy .(v) You should, however, discuss assigned readings where they are relevant, and you must cite the ones you discuss. Anything that you cite or quote should be clearly indicated as a citation or a quotation, and appropriate page-numbers should be provided. Your paper should include a proper bibliography, which identifies the author(s),editor(s), title, publisher and date of any source that you consult--even if everything is in the course reader--or therelevant and complete bibliographical information in the form of footnotes or endnotes. (There is no need to includeWriting Philosophy in your bibliography.) See Writing Philosophy, Chapter 7 and Appendix B for stylistic guidelines fordocumentation. You will be penalized for failing to cite properly.

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Disputing Descartes’s Worry That One Might Be Deceived about the World by an Evil Genius
The evil demon became a more controversial and disputable Cartesian philosophy to both ancient and present Cartesian scholars. The concept also contributed in fiction science films and more specifically the movie "Matrix trilogy." This movie has intercepted several cognitive inputs and outputs and manipulated them to create a powerful illusion to reframe the way ideas are perceived, thought and acted upon which in reality, are demon generated. These ideas are in perfect agreement with the ideas of Rene Descartes that he explains in his meditations of the first philosophy. He argues that he does not possess enough evidence to validate his senses as they may be fabricated by the demon. This forms the basis of his worries that there could be an evil genius that deceives us in the way we reason and justify our senses. However, critically analyzing Descartes arguments, I believe that there is a way of ruling out his worry that one might be deceived about the world by an evil genius. In this paper, am going to back my arguments to show the flaws in his arguments to support skepticism.
First, Descartes fails to warrant skepticism about his claims in as much as his claim that senses sometimes deceive us in some instances. By supporting his claim, Rene presented some varied examples in which he believes that his senses had cheated him. Justifying the claim that one's senses have deceived needs that particular individual should recognize when the error has occurred (Gillespie 8). This means that an individual should be able to differentiate instances where he or she has been correct and when mistaken. For instance, to justify that heat mirages that take place on paved roads are deceptions, one needs to be aware of optical illusions that can be experienced on such roads especially on a sunny day and that whatever can be visualized is indeed no more than an illusion (Frankfurt 19). Being aware of this, one would have the power to see through a deception thus overcoming being deceived. Satirically, it must be summed up that in elaborating instances of when the senses are deceiving, one is also elaborating on instances where human beings can visualize through deceptions (Frankfurt 28). This ends up diluting the evidence to back the claim that is being put forward. This is the case with Rene's claim where he presents both cases where humans see through deceptions as well as claiming to have been deceived by the senses (Frankfurt 57).
It is not that one can never be deceived, but the fact that we can see through deceptions is the point I want to stress. Since we have this ability to see through our deceptions, it then follows that we can comfortably trust our senses provided that we are suitably cautious. Trusting senses is likened to trust a rope while climbing (Gillespie 73). There are instances when the rope fails but can guarantee safety whenever the user is suitably cautious. Doubting our senses on the claim that they deceive us is like abandoning the climbing rope based on the claim that it occasionally fails (Gillespie 85). This, therefore, shows that Rene's argument on doubting our senses as they give way to being deceived by demons is not justified to a proper degree of skepticism as he claims.
Secondly, Descartes claim that there is no way to confirm certainty that one is asleep is wrong. Despite the fact that his argument has been credited by several science fiction movies notably "The Matrix" and "Total Recall," this claim can be countered. From my personal experiences, the circumstances at which I describe as being awake greatly contrast with the state of dreaming in many ways. In the dream world, things keep on changing as opposed to the world of being awake (Carriero 68). For example, the day before yesterday I dreamed of driving in Benz, yester night I dreamed of flying in a chopper and probably today my dream will put me in a sailing sheep through the ocean. The world of being awake is static as it only keeps me driving in that particular old pick up. To put it short, the dream presents things that do not exist as the awake world presents.
Another difference is the rules and laws that govern the two. In the dream world, cartoons and other characters in graphics can come to life, the dead can walk, people can dream flying, known liars speak the truth, and even strange things occur (Frankfurt 83). These things do not occur in the world of awake because they are not even near possibility.
I do not have to go through other differences that distinguish the two worlds since the two differences I have discussed above are enough to drive home my argument. The two ...
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