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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Describe Being Straight in a Post-Closeted Culture

Essay Instructions:

I will attach 2 articles and and write down 4 questions. I need the writer to read and answer that 4 questions for each article. 
1. What is the overall theme of the reading?
2.Do you believe the author(s) are being objective or promoting a perspective? Explain.
3.What might explain why you or someone from your social group may have never thought about the subject matter/ perspective presented in this particular way?
4. How does this reading support, shed light on, or provide another side to a recent debate in class or in the news?
This assignment will assist students in critical thinking, empathetic discourse, and synthesizing required readings.
***Indicate the number of each question on the answer part. Focus on the question 3 and 4. 1 page for one article.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name:
Instructor’s Name:
Course Number:
Question 1:The overall theme of this reading is the normalization of homosexuality and straight Americans’ identities and attitudes towards lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals.
Question 2:The author of this article, James Joseph Dean, promotes a perspective of the post-closeted culture in America and what and how the straight identities and attitudes have changed as homophobia decreases across the sexuality divide.
Question 3:The LGBTQ issue has been a slippery one for quite a long time. Since time immemorial, heterosexuality has been held in privilege over homosexuality. As a result, many people - especially those who consider themselves straight - have not been in a position to argue the matter from both perspectives (or sexual hierarchy that seems distinct). The aspect of homophobia has been the greatest threat to understanding the LGBTQ issue.
Question 4:Recent debates in major news channels have focused on the need - or otherwise - to introduce a law that supports and protects the rights and basic freedoms of the LGBTQ individuals just like straight individuals or citizens. This reading supports and even sheds light on a changing American society where a post-closeted culture is on the rise and homophobia on a gradual decline. Additionally, more and more straight individuals are becoming increasingly non-homophobic, gay-friendly and even supporters of LGBTQ rights. The change in attitudes by the American society has been a gradual one in over five de...
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