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Obama care and Small Businesses

Essay Instructions:

These are the instructions given by my teacher: Your argumentative essay for this class should be typed (printed on a word processor or computer). It should be between 3-4 pages. No cover sheet is necessary. Write an essay in which you give a well-reasoned argument on the topic of the health care bill recently enacted by Congress. Be sure you narrow your topic so that you are not covering too much material in your paper. MAKE SURE THIS PAPER IS NOT JUST A DIATRIBE for or against the President. You must have sources to back up everything you argue! The purpose of this essay is to provide you with an opportunity to do some research and state your argument with facts to back up what you say. If you just give your own opinion without using some sources you have researched, your paper will be much less authoritative. Therefore, for this assignment, you are required to use at least three sources that you quote in your paper. Do not use Wikipedia or other encyclopedias. These sources can be Internet articles, newspaper articles, magazine articles, excerpts from books, etc. Be sure to use what you learned in doing the quoting exercise to introduce and quote your sources appropriately. Include at least three quotes with source notes in MLA style. Be sure to include a bibliography (Works Cited) of your sources at the end of your essay. Use this information to pick a topic to write your paper: Pick an aspect of the health care bill that you would like to learn about. Pick one of the following questions for your topic: Should a health-care bill include regulations on the insurance industry and what should they be? Should the Congress enact a federal health care plan and would this put the insurance industry out of business? Will the health care bill put added burdens on small businesses? Do you think the bill will cause massive budget problems in our country or will the Congress be able to manage the cost of covering all Americans with health insurance? What are the provisions that will be put into effect after 2014, and will these help our country or harm it? Using one aspect of the bill, explain it, answer this question: Is it a good provision or a bad one? Find sources for and against the aspect you picked. Reading sources who disagree with you is just as important as reading sources that agree with your point of view. After reading these sources, come to a conclusion for or against that aspect. Write your paper, including arguments and counterarguments for your conclusion. Your conclusion must be based on facts and expert advice about the topic you selected, not just your opinion. I will give a poor grade to any paper that doesn’t back up all opinion with quotes and/or facts. Your essay will be evaluated on how well you state your argument in your thesis statement; how you explain your reasoning through supporting ideas; how you give supporting facts, statistics, and data; how you present counterarguments to head off ideas that your reader may have on the opposite side of your arguments; and about the correctness of your Works Cited page. Watch your logic. PUT YOUR THESIS STATEMENT IN ALL CAPS. 00028742 - is an argumentative essay. It requires 3 sources. Conclusion must be based on facts. Must have a thesis and works cited page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Obama care and Small Businesses
Signed into law on the 23rd of March in 2010, the Obama Care Act is one of the bills that gained every bit of support and resentment from the public and the experts on the issue. Officially, the bill is called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and sometimes it is shortened to Affordable Care Act(Barro). This is a bill that contains many pages on the rights of the American with reference to their health care and the insurance aspect of the health care system.In the past most of the Americans that could afford health care services included those that had employers paying for the insurance covers and those that could afford the high costs of the premiums from their own earnings(Billlosey.com). For the small business, it is not going to be smooth sailing as the health care bill will bring a lot of burden to them.
Thesis statement:
The patient protection and affordable care act is going to put burden on the small businesses.
According to a recent CBS poll that was conducted on the favourability of the Obama care, there were a high number of about 545 that felt that the health care plans are going to harm the small businesses rather than help them and their employees. The CNN on a similar poll reported that most of the Americans at the tune of 57% did not approve of the Obama care bill, compared to 39% who felt that the health care system was the good.
As of now, the Obama care bill is set to take centre stage for the staffs towards the end of this year, while for the employers they will have to wait till next year. Regardless of the time that the law is supposed to take effect, the small businesses are already paying up to the increased premiums. This aspectis due to the fact that the insurance companies have started rising their premiums in anticipation of the expenses that they will have to incur as the insurance industry is now regulated(Billlosey.com). At the same time some of the small businesses have already started paying more than 3.8% health care surtaxes from the beginning of last year. When these are added up with the rest of the taxes from the Obama care, the small businesses are going to have a rough time ahead.This does not make sense for most of the business owners are they are being forced to pay up for services that have not yet been delivered.
By the start of October last year, all the businesses that were making more than $500,000 in sales and had at least one employee had to have given a notice about the Obama care otherwise they risk being fined(Barro).This notice was supposed to have included information about the description of theservices that were being offered through the new health care system. At the same time the employers had to inform the employees on the ways to contact the small business health options program otherwise known as SHOP.
All the small businesses that have more than 50 employees will have to make a great choice come the end of this year regarding their employees’ health care insurance. This will be the time during which the employees will be required to join the health care insurance program of their choice. For the small business with the more than 50 employees they will have to foot the bill 100% for the health care insurance. This includes those th...
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